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Search results

  1. B

    Tank crash survivors

    I've been through a few tank crashes, and somehow, someway, I've rebounded from them. The first was my 240g cracking, it was only running for about 2 weeks, so I didn't lose any livestock, but imagine that happening after taking months to setup the system. The second was when I came home...
  2. B

    Happy birthday Tazmaniancowboy!

    Happy Birthday!
  3. B

    Login Issues to the site?

    I'm not having any problems staying logged in, so i'm not sure its a server side issue. Which browser are you using? I use Firefox, I know after an update I just need to log out and then back in again and all is well.
  4. B

    Officer Elections Volunteers Needed

    Congratulations guys! I know you will all do a fantastic job! If you ever need anything you know you can always count on Phyl. ;)
  5. B


    Are you sure about that? I've been told it's better to NOT restrict a pump and have any excess diverted back to the sump (at least on pressure rated pumps)
  6. B


    I also forgot to add...welcome to NJRC! :)
  7. B


    I'm not sure if I'm understanding it correctly, but it sounds like you have a valve on your drain going to your sump? You should never have a valve on the drain, leave that wide open, otherwise you're asking for a flood.
  8. B

    Brian's 225g Monstrosity is Now 180 gallons of FUN!

    Thanks guys! FWIW its not even a "high end" macro lens, I use a Sigma lens for all the macro shots...I really love it.
  9. B

    Brian's 225g Monstrosity is Now 180 gallons of FUN!

    Cool Tank! oh wait, this is my thread...crap!
  10. B

    Brian's 225g Monstrosity is Now 180 gallons of FUN!

    Thanks! They are awesome, but they are becoming a little "bitey"! lol I got bit by one the other day, and they were sizing up my arm when I had it in the tank today...yikes!
  11. B

    Brian's 225g Monstrosity is Now 180 gallons of FUN!

    Well, it's been awhile...figured I would throw some more pics up!
  12. B

    New Pics of the 125

    Nice Pics The tank looks great!
  13. B

    HELP – Aspect Ratio is Screwed Up

    Have you tried right clicking on the desktop, going to properties, then clicking the setting tab? You can fix the resolution there...maybe that will fix it.
  14. B

    Thank you Todd and Danielle

  15. B

    Thank you Todd and Danielle

    I still have to post pics! I figured I would wait a bit since there is so much time until the next meeting!
  16. B

    MOVED: dont break the chain Neon Green Nepthea

    This topic has been moved to The Chain Gang. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=23024.0
  17. B

    MOVED: Don't break the chain Green zoanthids with orange and purple centers

    This topic has been moved to The Chain Gang. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=23033.0
  18. B

    MOVED: Don't Break the chain - Yellow polyps

    This topic has been moved to The Chain Gang. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=23038.0
  19. B

    MOVED: Don't break the Chain Neon Green Star Polyps

    This topic has been moved to The Chain Gang. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=23027.0