• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. Tazmaniancowboy

    October 2012 meeting?

    This months meeting was supposed to be a North meeting. After a couple of weeks of no volunteers in the north or central areas, we have an offer from kschweer in BRIGANTINE, South Jersey. He has offered to host a meeting on Oct 27. In order to be fair to him with such short notice we ask you...
  2. Tazmaniancowboy

    North meeting host needed

    Nobody?? Final bump, need to make a decision!
  3. Tazmaniancowboy

    Anyone headed to the DVRC swap sunday?

    If you are riding with the person I think you are, I Hope you don't plan on winning anything or riding back, I heard there is no room for passengers back to NJ after he collects his winnings
  4. Tazmaniancowboy

    MACNA Today

    I was strictly a member at the time of our MACNA and didn't have any time to volunteer. It was my first and only(so far) MACNA and all I can say is it was AWESOME! It is a shame that it is such a labor intensive thing to run. As stated earlier, it was great for the club in general, but it...
  5. Tazmaniancowboy

    North meeting host needed

    OK, Who is going to represent the NORTH?? :anyone
  6. Tazmaniancowboy

    How often do you feed Anenomes

    People are usually split on this topic. Some feed some do not. I used to feed, but haven't in the last 5 years or so. I heard it is worse to feed than not. Clowns will feed them or the flow of water will feed them naturally, No need to feed in my opinion
  7. Tazmaniancowboy

    Has Anyone considered using our Ocean"s Water???

    Tagging along on this. Good luck and keep us posted. What do you keep in the tank?
  8. Tazmaniancowboy

    It began with a new sump..

    Good luck Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  9. Tazmaniancowboy

    Possible hair algae

    I am not familiar with your setup, but I would not use a toothbrush unless you are siphoning next to it. If your phosphates are low it will starve out, if they are high it will grow soon!
  10. Tazmaniancowboy

    MACNA Today

    Thanks for the update. Some of us are unfortunate and have to live through descriptions like this on the boards and facebook! Have a great time!
  11. Tazmaniancowboy

    Looking to possibly start Zeo. Where to start?

    Agree with mnat, I am not running zeo, but have learned a lot from the zeo forums Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  12. Tazmaniancowboy

    North meeting host needed

    Thanks, To keep it fair to the Northern folk I'd like to give it a few days for a reply. Please stay tuned as I may take you up on the offer! ;)
  13. Tazmaniancowboy

    North meeting host needed

    We are in need of a meeting host for our October meeting. The meeting is supposed to be a north location, please contact me if you are in the North or central area and interested in hosting a meeting.
  14. Tazmaniancowboy

    Turtle in my back yard.

    Chris I found one when mowing my lawn in July. It was a red belly and it was about the same size as you mention. MAN was that thing heavy!!! It was the biggest turtle I have ever come across in my yard. The family had fun watching it for a while and then we had to leave and never found it...
  15. Tazmaniancowboy

    directions for rotator

    Here are directions to use the rotator: Make sure the pic is resized to be 399 x 265 and saved somewhere Start a new thread with meaningful title. Insert text or picture into post body (NOT SEEN ON HOMEPAGE) Hit the paper clip button(attachment button) Upload the pic....this is either from your...
  16. Tazmaniancowboy

    September 2012 meeting

    WOW. missed a good one, I wish I could have made it there!
  17. Tazmaniancowboy

    Welcome Ultimate Corals

    Please welcome Ultimate Corals as our newest sponsor. Thank you Ultimate Corals for your sponsorship in NJRC.
  18. Tazmaniancowboy

    4th Annual Beach Cleanup

    Some Staggering facts! Here are some staggering facts pulled from the Ocean Conservancy’s website
  19. Tazmaniancowboy

    September 2012 meeting

    Or September meeting will be held on September 22 at the home of HerbieK in Kendall park from 1:pm to 5:pm. For information on Herbie's tank click on one of the links below. The RSVP page is up and Herbie tends to have great meetings so Register now! LOL Remember you do not need to be...
  20. Tazmaniancowboy

    4th Annual Beach Cleanup

    RSVP page is up Please register so we know who is coming and how many people to expect. Also subscribe to this thread or check back frequently for meeting location and answers to any questions asked. SIGN UP NOW! RSVP PAGE Let's show the world and our children that we care! Great time and...