• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. Tazmaniancowboy

    dnov99's 260 Gal eye candy thread...

    I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you on this one Darren. It is absolutely CRAZY that you have to do this again! You know what they say, third times the charm! Did you do the switch in one day last time? That sounds like a plan, I'd love to see this happen, did you ever get a...
  2. Tazmaniancowboy

    Here's my Big Office System

    Unfortunately for Darren, it sounds like there may be more :o
  3. Tazmaniancowboy

    New to site, gotta question

    we alternate meetings through a north, central, south location to try to make it fair to members in different areas of NJ. This month is northern in Stirling. Like Howze said, we all show up with food or beverage and talk tank, then we have a little meeting time for club announcements and...
  4. Tazmaniancowboy


    Have the Tunze osmolator, they actually recommend a bigger unit for my size sump and system, but I still use it and absolutely love it. It works flawlessly. Optic sensor, magnet mounts and fail safe backups. If I didn't have the tunze, I would do the avast system.
  5. Tazmaniancowboy

    75 Gallons of Entertainment! The build begins...

    Tank looks great George! BE careful with Kilz....if it is alcohol based I would paint it outside....My family killed a whole tank of fish by priming the ceiling with Kilz in the same room as the tank. I don't remember about the Kilz2, but wanted to caution you.That hood looked awful heavy at...
  6. Tazmaniancowboy

    Running GFO for anyone a problem?

    You nailed it. Slow is the way to go in this hobby. I would use less or reduce the rate that the water passes through at. Not sure how high your phosphates are, but don't take them down too fast
  7. Tazmaniancowboy

    New to site, gotta question

    Cam, Sent you email...Welcome to the club!
  8. Tazmaniancowboy

    De-Ionization resins

    No water dept out here, we all have wells Of course when I am ready to do this now my booster pump burns itself out :mad:
  9. Tazmaniancowboy

    Can't catch a break

    That is GREAT!!! LMAO Sorry to hear about the leakj when I originally read your post AJ. I wouldn't have worried about the salt creep too much, but I was not there to see it. I'm sure you wanted a new tank anyway and you will love the new tank anyway. Should be a win win situation. Let me...