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Search results

  1. B

    Feb Meeting @ Billy's >> The Lost PHOTOS

    man those are nice corals.. where the heck are they?
  2. B

    Eva's 90 gal baby

    waiting is very key... also be very careful with those electrical cords, you have no drip loops and water can travel down them and go right into the extension cord... sorry thats my electrician coming out...
  3. B

    February 2008 Meeting - Saturday 23rd Cherry Hill

    i have a frag of birds nest for ya..
  4. B

    February 2008 Meeting - Saturday 23rd Cherry Hill

    ok pink would be cool for me... thanks..
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    Billyr98's Real Upgrade! 450g Starphire Custom Reef Tank!

    well a lot people asked about my stigmata blenny when I posted pictures a while back.. just saw one on divers den, so I thought I would share.. http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemDisplay.cfm?ddid=36439&siteid=20
  6. B

    go outside and look up

    i miss my old telescope days with a camera attachment on days like these..
  7. B

    Starting from scratch

    samething happen to me when i started up my 450g... i lost a percentage of mine, not all of them, I believe my reason was a O2 problem.. good luck!
  8. B

    Tank sizes

    96 x 36 x 30 high...
  9. B

    Conversion to 180g

    yeah i brought them up one by one on a towel... it stinks!
  10. B

    Conversion to 180g

    when do we get a FTS again.... I wanna see some Macros too!!
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    Black Nudibranch?

    maybe this is something you could post to wetwebmedia to see what it really is?
  12. B

    Tank sizes

    450g here.. but you've seen mine... i can give ya the phone number to Derek from Miracles if you wanted to contact him for some custom prices..
  13. B

    Want a good laugh

    oh boy!! thanks for sharing!!!! it takes a man to share that one :)
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    February 2008 Meeting - Saturday 23rd Cherry Hill

    if u wanna bring some food, thats cool with me... I don't have anything scheduled for myself to make yet for the meeting.. just got a keg of beer ready so far.. thanks!
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    Chiller question

    i was not serious.. so don't take my opinion to heart.. just trying to push my chiller sale :)
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    Chiller question

    i think you need a 1/2 hp chiller... :D
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    ID for something I cant even classify

    does it move or stationary? why can't it be a mushroom?
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    Ca Reactor Questions

    another tip would be to run a fan over the effluent drip to help remove the excess Co2 going back into the water, which would help with the ph...
  19. B

    Basic plumbing ques.- pipe diam. for return/drain

    your mag 9.5 will probably have some head distance to the returns right? i am thinking 4 foot to the top of the returns.. which would make it run at 800gph.. so a 1.25 drain would be perfect for that flow.. but i think the mag 9.5 has a 3/4 out, so i don't see any reason to make it 1"? but that...