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Search results

  1. man908


  2. man908


    Depends. Some Acros are harder to keep than others, but some are considered to be beginner Acros. But once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty much all the same. Stability with your parameters is key, especially alkalinity.
  3. man908


    If everybody shows Saturday, I will have to cut more for you.
  4. man908


    That tort is gone..I have another piece available, But haven’t taken a picture yet
  5. man908


    Yes fourth pic. This weekend is fine, Lmk I should be available Saturday after 1pm
  6. man908


    Saturday should be fine..maybe around 1pm
  7. man908


    4 -WWC Yellow Tip 2 -Wild Aussie Acros 4 -TSA Carolina Reaper 2 - WWC Aussie Green Slimer 1 - WWC Deep Water 3 - WWC Crimson Raider 3 - Forest Fire Digitata Monti 1 - CR Daredevil Pickup: Jackson, NJ
  8. man908


    TSA Carolina Reaper
  9. man908


    Still available
  10. man908


    I’m everywhere!
  11. man908


    WWC Yellow Tip: $30-$40 - Chunky pieces Wild Aussie Acros: $30 TSA Carolina Reaper: $60 WWC Aussie Toxic Green Slimer: $30-$40 WWC Deep Water Milli: SOLD WWC Crimson Raider: $50 Pickup: Jackson, NJ
  12. man908

    Ecotech Radion Gen3 XR30pro with Extras!

    This item is SOLD!
  13. man908

    Ecotech Radion Gen3 XR30pro with Extras!

    I sold the frag tank it was mounted on.
  14. man908

    Ecotech Radion Gen3 XR30pro with Extras!

    Ecotech Radion XR30 PRO GEN3 with Reefbrite LED, RMS Mount, Reeflink and diffuser. Price: $325 Pickup: Jackson, NJ
  15. man908

    Redsea Reefer 450

    All sold.
  16. man908

    Redsea Reefer 450

    Sale Pending.
  17. man908

    Redsea Reefer 450

  18. man908

    Redsea Reefer 450

    No. I’m moving and upgrading.
  19. man908

    Redsea Reefer 450

    Redsea Reefer 450 - 92gal Display, 116gal total water volume with sump. Included: Tank, Stand, Sump, Plumbing & original Topoff reservoir with float, Redsea screen top. This system is currently running and will be available for pickup starting 2/13/22. $1,000 *(NO LIVESTOCK OR ROCK)*...
  20. man908

