Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
That's probably the best advice. You probably don't even need to add the live rock. It will eventually build up detritus and will have to be rinsed occasionally. But then again, the rock will help to reduce the splashing noise
I've always wondered if there is any truth to moonlights helping with coral and fish spawning. I just can't see how this is possible. The moon isn't only light, it controls the tides and gravity as well. I would think that would have more to do with it then how much light is output from an LED...
Our monthly August meeting will be held at the home of pgordemer & Chef Pete
Click HERE for the meeting information
Click HERE for meeting RSVP.
Hope to see you all there!!
Thanks, gang! Yes, I did have the elite crew would never have gotten done as fast as it did if I didn't!
C'mon Billy...what's a little nano going to hurt? ;D
Oh, and when I was re doing the rock that hand tried to grab me, so I had to get rid of
Here is a picture of day two.
I re-aquascaped a bit (honestly didn't need to do a hell of a lot!) and added a background...still no sand, not sure if I'm going to add it or not.
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Thanks guys...went out today and bought a small clean up crew just to get sign of that wrasse yet...I really wonder where he went to!
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Sheesh, forget one thing and you hear about it immediately...Yes, PHYL did a nice job aquascaping...just for that...i'm changing it! :P
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Yup! Pretty much done!! Fish look pretty happy, some corals look good, some look OK. I can't complain!
A HUGE thank you to: Phyl, John, Ed, Paul, Bob, MikeM, Billy and Bill. I can't thank you guys enough for helping me pull off a whole tank change over in ONE day...
Re: Brian's 225g Monstrosity!
Okay, so Saturday it is...I was sweating a little bit today...we are having concrete work done in the back yard and I didn't think they would be able to finish with all the rain, but they worked through it! WOO HOO
So for Saturday it looks like we have:
John and...