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Search results

  1. B

    Happy Birthday JohnS

    Happy Birthday, John!! Hope you have a great day today!
  2. B

    Wingsuit BASE Jumping

    That's nuts!! Especially when they are flying right by the road...holy cow!
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    healthy ferret?

    My brother had a pet skunk years ago..it was freaking awesome. Very friendly, litter trained and still thought it had it scent sacs for awhile. When it got scared it would try and spray you (when it was young) It would turn around and try and spray..and then look back at you like "Why are you...
  4. B

    healthy ferret?

    I used to have a bunch of ferrets...and occasionally I actually miss them! I don't know how much you've researched them, but you will need to ferret proof the house (or room) they can squeeze themselves into area's you didn't think possible. (Under refrigerators, ovens, doors) Make sure she has...
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    Hello from Aruba

    Looks like fun! I can't wait to go away again and do some diving. I'm pretty sure that last fish is a Sergeant Major Damsel. Can't tell you how many times I've been bit by those freaking things and once it drew blood!
  6. B

    Overflow Box Silencer

    You can also cut a piece of acrylic to the size of the overflow and lay it on the top until you get a durso. It helps cut down on the noise greatly.
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    Happy Birthday RichT

    Happy Birthday, Buddy! Hope you have a great day!
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    Never Mind

    I guess this would be typical behavior for me....(I just couldn't resist)
  9. B

    Too funny.......

    Oh that was hilarious!
  10. B

    MOVED: Aqua-mags Possible group buy ?

    This topic has been moved to Member Organized Orders. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=16275.0
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    My Cats Home..Finally ..

    Great that he came back! Glad to hear all is well and he's on his way home!
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    March Meeting - Saturday the 28th in Little Silver, NJ

    You can pretty much bring anything you want. Usually as the meeting gets closer you can see what others are bringing so we don't double up on anything....although even if there was two of something I don't see a problem with the group cleaning it up!
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    In Need of Emotional and Mental Support Right Now

    I'm so sorry to hear all of this Erna, I can't imagine the heartache you all must be going through. As Deb said, you're in our thoughts.
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    February Meeting & Thank You

    I stopped at a LFS the other day and took some pics there! :o :P :-*
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    February Meeting & Thank You

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    February Meeting & Thank You

    Here are the pictures that I took yesterday in all their random glory!
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    February Meeting & Thank You

    Thanks for hosting another GREAT meeting guys. We all had a really good time (like I would expect anything different!) Can't wait to see ALL of you at the next meeting! I'll have pics posted up tonight.
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    February Meeting - Saturday the 21st in Jackson, NJ

    Phyl, you better have John clean out that shed for an overflow area!!
  19. B

    Happy Birthday BLange3

    Happy Birthday, Bill!! Have a great day! (Hopefully you have off today!)