• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. B

    Feb / March 2009 POTM Winner

    WOW, ok I need to change the description on the homepage! Great job! (also, everyone...please remember when submitting your photo to include as many specs about the pic as possible.)
  2. B

    Anyone Available for a Saturday tank move?

    Yeah, 6' is as long as I can go...unless of course I wanted to extend the concrete pad another foot!
  3. B

    Anyone Available for a Saturday tank move?

    The whole thing was strange, I pm'd him and then posted, he never even read the PM's on RC. Nothing like wanting to spend 1k and getting ignored!
  4. B

    Anyone Available for a Saturday tank move?

    Well, apparently he sold the tank...thanks for the offers everyone. Maybe next time!
  5. B

    2009 Officers

    Congratulations, everyone! I know you will all do a great job in helping move the club forward!
  6. B

    Anyone Available for a Saturday tank move?

    Thank you, I'll let you know. Still haven't heard from the guy...so who knows what's going on with it.
  7. B

    Anyone Available for a Saturday tank move?

    I don't know anything other than what I've said so far, the guy isn't getting back to me after a PM and post. Hopefully I'll hear something soon...thanks for all the offers of help!
  8. B

    Anyone Available for a Saturday tank move?

    Hi everyone. I might be picking up THIS system if I can get a few people (and possibly a truck) to help me pick it up. The tank is in Toms River and I am in South Plainfield. I'm not setting it up immediately so the tank would go right in my garage. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated...
  9. B

    Hi I'm new to NJRC!

  10. B

    Bath Room Remodel Thumbs way up for Mikem and John

    Looks good guys! When you were telling me about the concrete I didn't even think about wire! My back aches for you.
  11. B

    just found this swimming in reef ... help?

    That really is crazy...it's amazing the stuff you can find with some new rock!
  12. B

    180 acrylic on Craigslist

    Phyl is wrong...Acrylic scratches VERY VERY VERY VERY easily. Save yourselves the headache and buy glass. my .02
  13. B

    MOVED: For anyone who loves fishing and tattoos !

    This topic has been moved to Open Water. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=16794.0
  14. B

    For anyone who loves fishing and tattoos !

    WOW! Pretty freaking sweet!
  15. B

    March Meeting Thanks and Recap

    Here we go..... I would caption this picture...but you just had to be there...
  16. B

    March Meeting Thanks and Recap

    Thanks James...I had a good time yesterday. Great food and good company...what more can you ask for!? I'll have pics up later today.
  17. B

    Is there any time ??

    Now that's funny!
  18. B

    MOVED: Not Reef Related, but really strikes a nerve with me.

    This topic has been moved to Open Water. http://www.njreefers.org/forums/index.php?topic=16686.0
  19. B

    Happy Birthday Debfife!

  20. B

    Happy Birthday Debfife!

    Happy Birthday Babe!