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Search results

  1. Tazmaniancowboy

    29 gal in PA

    Thanks for the compliments and welcome to the club. Looking forward to the pics. Don't be afraid to ask questions and come join us for a meeting when you can.
  2. Tazmaniancowboy

    Ulitimate Reefs-failrly priced fish

    Well not that far, but a south store would be awesome! Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
  3. Tazmaniancowboy

    Pompon Xenia Swedesboro 08085

    Too far for me to come get it :( Can you throw in some SPS to make my trip worth it?:encouragement: LMAO Seriously, I would like to have some, but can't make a special trip for it..Wish you were going to make the meeting
  4. Tazmaniancowboy

    93 Gallon Cube in Swedesboro 08085

    LMAO. it's getting bigger and bigger! Soon it'll be a 210. I told you! Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
  5. Tazmaniancowboy

    Stop SOPA & PIPA!!!

    I may have misunderstood something, but i just heard that it only delayed one week??? Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
  6. Tazmaniancowboy

    Apollo Reef LED's... anyone have them?

    +1 With KRE controller, I would consider in the future. Can't wait to see these up and running George
  7. Tazmaniancowboy

    Reef Keeper by Digital Aquatics

    I would not run a tank without one. I do have the RKE. It suits my purpose, I may have gotten another brand had I known what I know now, but the RKE is fine for what I use it for. Some have had problems with theirs, but I just set mine up and haven't really touched it since like late 2008 I...
  8. Tazmaniancowboy

    Stop SOPA & PIPA!!!

    Here is a video that helped me understand this a little more why-sopa-is-going-to-screw-us-all-the-movie
  9. Tazmaniancowboy

    Acro eating "Flatworm Stop"

    Just saw this posted elsewhere that it will be hitting the United States soon. I have never dealt with the dreaded AEFWs, but heard the torturous accounts of how you try to get rid of them. This will be awesome if it has no side affects and works! Article HERE
  10. Tazmaniancowboy

    World O Pain

    Glad to hear it went well. You'll be better in no time! Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
  11. Tazmaniancowboy

    The new encyclopedia of the saltwater aquarium by greg jennings.... Only $5!!!!!!!!!!

    Nice find Sid, Will have to tell my wife to pick the book up for me....Unless you go back! :grin: I think the general store by me has that candy, I will have to check
  12. Tazmaniancowboy

    Uhh...whats this??

    +1 Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
  13. Tazmaniancowboy

    pictures of my tank/fishes/corals/etc.

    You must be lucky. I've handled my nems probably a hundred times and never got stung!:confused: Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
  14. Tazmaniancowboy

    Problem searching on RC

    There is another thread on her from 3 or 4 days ago. I know they are having problems because they post on facebook to keep everybody informed. The other night they lost power so long that their battery backups didn't last. From what I hear if servers are not shut down correctly it can cause...
  15. Tazmaniancowboy

    pictures of my tank/fishes/corals/etc.

    GREAT pics Olivier. David is right you should have entered POTM pics. Olivier, deep inside you don't want to get out anyway
  16. Tazmaniancowboy

    What to do...

    I will not out another piece if rock in my tank without drilling some holes. Like insurance, they are there when you need. There is so much going on in our tanks that mist people won't see the unused holes. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk
  17. Tazmaniancowboy

    What is best method for securing/bonding LR?

    you can also drill holes and peg it with rods cut from plastic coat hangers
  18. Tazmaniancowboy

    January 2012 Meeting

    Our meetings are open to the public, you do not need to be a paid member to attend. Being that our meetings are held at a voluntary hosts house most attendees bring something to help feed everybody who comes. Some bring main dishes, picky foods, desserts, and beverages. It is your choice, not...
  19. Tazmaniancowboy

    300 Gallon upgrade

    Lol, just saw in RC. Looks good Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk