Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
what an awesome meeting again.. thank you so much ken and dana for letting us invade your house.. and what an awesome house.. and that theater room rocked.. hope to see everyone at the frag swap..
i talked to mark(melev) a lot at MACNA, and he said he feels like his overdosing was the reason for the dying.. He is actually going to start the prodibio again. I used it before I broke down my 210g, with no results.. good or bad... I have it here to try again.. But its really expensive to dose...
well since he has no tank yet... i am sure it wasnt corals.. but he did buy a photo acrylic box.. i hope they didnt take that... what did they take booze?
i got this bucket for 39.99 at the hidden reef...
I was paying like 67.00 a bucket for tropic marin pro reef... so I am saving like 27 a bucket.. very handy!!
well i finally realized with 850g system, that the tropic marin pro was killing my wallet...
so i went and tried red sea pro...
I just finished my testing...
1.026 @ 80 degrees
460 Calcium
8 dKH
8.28 PH
1290 Mag
I will be changing over to this salt.. wish me LUCK :)
not using chemi clean is good.. you first need to figure out why you have this bacteria in your tank. how is your flow in your tank? how good is the water quality of your ro/di water?