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Search results

  1. B

    My Aussie Collection...

    yeah i hate seeing your pics in the forums that aren't in the for sale thread :)
  2. B

    Calibrating a Refractometer with 53.0 ms fluid

    cool thanks for doing the project for us, john!
  3. B

    Calibrating a Refractometer with 53.0 ms fluid

    whats a little bit?
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    Calibrating a Refractometer with 53.0 ms fluid

    boomer has always pushed, calibrating with that fluid, but i always did Ro/Di water.. :(
  5. B

    new here

    welcome... thanks for stopping into NJRC!!
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    Come on Mike, what did i ever do to you!
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    Its only been 14 years..
  8. B


    C'Mon I can't be the only fan in the club!! Go Phils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry Mets!! ??? ???
  9. B

    Whats wrong with my clown???

    i've had that before on a wrasse... mysis stuck on its mouth and finally is disappeared...
  10. B

    Whats wrong with my clown???

    thats a little too blurry.. we would be guessing..
  11. B

    DTV - Tivo or DVR?

    i am still using tivo on dtv..
  12. B

    DTV - Tivo or DVR?

    i've had both... i just like the way tivo runs their software much better than comcast DVR... once you go tivo you will never go back... never!!! tivo will change your life :D
  13. B

    The question of PH comes up

    great point, especially if it got totally submerged or even dry..
  14. B

    The question of PH comes up

    well 7.9-8.3 is usually an acceptable level... there is a lot ways to move the ph down... but you should list your Calcium, Magnessium and Alkalanity.. since most methods will move those levels too.. so we can get you a better answer, knowing a little more..
  15. B

    Prodibio, anyone?

    prodibio is a not cheap product... i would think sand and a nice skimmer would be cheaper than prodibio.. i am not knocking anything, especially prodibio, because i might start using it again...
  16. B

    Prodibio, anyone?

    interesting that i never heard of anyone running prodibio to replace a skimmer.. can you explain, how prodibio can do the same as a skimmer?
  17. B

    How do I raise my Alk levels

    wow that was a quick amen.... :)
  18. B

    Prodibio, anyone?

    actually after talking to prodibio for a while at MACNA.. they recommend having a sandband if your are using their product. they say you can keep a refugium, but it might die off from the low nutrient water level you are creating with the prodibio product.. i ran prodibio with a sand band, but i...
  19. B

    Micro bubbles!!!!!!!!!!!

    let me know a time and i can stop over... i haven't heard from ya in a while... missed ya at MACNA too :(
  20. B

    I need help

    anything else you need francis, just give me a hollar!! I am not to far from you... i have heaters, if you need any...