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Search results

  1. B

    Pump recommendation

    you need very slow flow through a phosban reactor... so that could hurt you in the size pump you need for the loop?
  2. B

    Happy 4th of July!

    Everyone have a safe and fun 4th of July!!!
  3. B

    Billyr98's Real Upgrade! 450g Starphire Custom Reef Tank!

    i will drain and cover it... this thing is the same as an AC unit, no need to bring it inside... and I have no where to store it :D
  4. B

    Billyr98's Real Upgrade! 450g Starphire Custom Reef Tank!

    thanks pete for the answers.. only thing wrong was the old chiller was 1/2 ... the chiller was oversized so I can get an outdoor unit and run less
  5. B

    Billyr98's Real Upgrade! 450g Starphire Custom Reef Tank!

    actually this chiller is hardly running to keep the temp... my old chiller never turned off.. but anytime you and Deb wanna stop over.. C'mon down!
  6. B

    Billyr98's Real Upgrade! 450g Starphire Custom Reef Tank!

    i don't really want to add it up.... but lets see... 450 tank, 125g frag, 100g sump, 100g fuge... and maybe 150g 2nd sump... not sure about that though... so it will be 725 with maybe a future 875g... sick!!! this hobby is sick!!
  7. B

    Billyr98's Real Upgrade! 450g Starphire Custom Reef Tank!

    Well its coming soon... and so did the heat!! so i got my new chiller from Tradewinds on Friday.. Meeting was yesterday... so I plumbed it in today! also here is the tank layout... and here is the new skimmer beast! MRC MR-4R!!
  8. B

    Eye Candy...

    Wow Steve... u got some nice acans now!! time to get growing!
  9. B

    June 2007 Meeting: Thanks and Recap

    Thank You!!! This was a great party meeting... Very Nice Reef Tank... and Basement setup... Oh yeah nice Freshwater tank too ;)
  10. B

    Another baby in the club...

    Congrats!! Got a cute guy there!!
  11. B

    Recharge A/C

    central air..
  12. B

    Recharge A/C

    I just got my house unit recharged .. thanks to hidden reef.. I got the number from them.. weird how things work out.. when I get home from work.. I will leave his number..
  13. B

    Any LFS sell DC8's or 4's

    i just bought those fuses last month, wish i saw this thread... let me know if u ever need them again.. :)
  14. B

    tank manufactures

    i am getting one made right now... but its from a company in canada... Miracles in Glass... http://www.miraclesaquariums.com/ they will ship... cheaper than going to Aquariums for you, which is in NJ
  15. B

    Its going to be a Girl

    she is a cutie... congrats again.. hope jen is doing good..
  16. B

    My new tank

    hat made you decide with glasscages, i have read so many bad things about them.. It made me nervous, but their prices are great... also how is their silicone work? good Luck with the tank Jim!
  17. B

    2 down 1 to go

    Congrats!!! Looked like a fun time for sure!!!!!!!
  18. B

    Happy Father's Day!

    Happy Fathers Day!!!
  19. B

    need help july meeting

    try paintman27
  20. B

    Bulb change

    hey phil... i think i have 2 10k 96w square pin lamps sitting in my basement, if they can help you out, they are yours...