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Search results

  1. S

    How often is there a POTM contest?

    Bump! ;)
  2. S

    2023 April Meeting - Momof6kids

    Nice meeting all y’all. And yeah, thanks for hosting, that was a good time!
  3. S

    Secret stash

    Lol. Hoarder!
  4. S

    Subliminal's 11g Frag Tank Build

    Well, I decided I'm good with coral and bad with fish, and since this is supposed to be an enjoyable hobby, I'm going to stay in my lane. To that end, I decided to try my hands at a small frag setup. Equipment so far: 18x18x8 acrylic frag tank: Oceanic 30 gallon cube(ish) for secondary...
  5. S

    SOLD FS: 3-4 Inch Niger Trigger, 3-4 inch Stars and Strips Puffer, 4-5 inch Panther Grouper

    Sold to the man in the big chair! Good Luck, sir! And keep me posted...I like those lil guys. ;-)
  6. S

    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    I will have the following by tomorrow, if anyone's interested: 90 gallon VERY scratched up Oceanic RR bowfront tank (48 inch) with stand, with hood, with 6 bulb t5 light - $100. It's been 'well loved' and the chucklehead I brought it from seems to have cleaned the glass with rocks. However...
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    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    A table full of assorted goods? Perfect. ;-)
  8. S

    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    Bring a filter too, if you can. I’ll take it. For freshwater for an oscar
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    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    I’ll take one of those $65 food p’s if you can bring it down to the shindig
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    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    What are food p breeders?
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    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    I thought maybe I could split the frag in half and you could each have some, but I don't trust myself. ;)
  12. S

    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    You want em, you got em. ;-)
  13. S

    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    I have some frags available, if anyone's interested...see video...and make sure to hit the gear and select the highest resolution. In order of appearance: Baseball sized Kenya Tree...$20 Bam Bam zoas (8 polyps)...$20 Rainbow Hornet zoa (6 polyps)...$20 Captain Jerk Palys (totally...
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    SOLD FS: 3-4 Inch Niger Trigger, 3-4 inch Stars and Strips Puffer, 4-5 inch Panther Grouper

    Sorry...$40 each or $100 for the lot. Princeton 08540
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    SOLD FS: 3-4 Inch Niger Trigger, 3-4 inch Stars and Strips Puffer, 4-5 inch Panther Grouper

    Hey guys, 3 tanks isn't working out...going down to 2. I have the following happy, healthy, eating like pigs. and BFF fish for sale: Panther Grouper is between 4-5 inches Niger Trigger is between 3-4 inches Stars and Stripes Puffer is between 3-4 inches These guys are BFFs. They all try to...
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    Wtb t5

    On second look you might be looking for a light that goes around MH or LED?
  17. S

    Wtb t5

    I have a 48 inch t5 light, but its coralvue or somesuch. If you're interested I can take some pictures for ya
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    My Zoa Garden, lets see them.

    I went in close on a favorite spot with my orange filter…
  19. S

    My Zoa Garden, lets see them.

    Mine is a wip too. But a much smaller wip. Ha.
  20. S

    Subliminal's Fluval Evo 13.5 Build

    Started to dose afr. 2.5 ml to begin. Alll was at 6.4 before water change,7.2 after.