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Search results

  1. S

    NJRC coffee mugs for sale

    Did not disappoint! ;-)
  2. S

    NJRC coffee mugs for sale

    ha. Madreefer is going to be so upset you stole it from him.
  3. S

    NJRC coffee mugs for sale

    Anyone bringing any torches? :) Madreefer? Queue the meme? hehe
  4. S

    NJRC coffee mugs for sale

    Would you prefer prepay or pay at the meeting?
  5. S

    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    hehe...everyone's a comedian.
  6. S

    NJRC coffee mugs for sale

    Two tone for me. Damon. Going to be there, thanks!
  7. S

    2023 April Meeting - Momof6kids

    I'll definitely be there. Wife and kids are pending...how many kids will be there...anyone in the age range of 7-11?
  8. S

    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    Anybody have any of the fancy names and acronymed sps fs? Jf, wwc, etc. I’m trying to go fancy. :-)
  9. S

    Rock Flower Nems

    I always wanted one too. Then I got one at reefco. Beautiful. Then I got a peppermint shrimp. Then he destroyed my rfa. Booo
  10. S

    Show me pics of your SPS!

    I don’t know what it is, but this is my current favorite.
  11. S

    At it again 75

    Good luck!
  12. S

    Stockton University's Fish-A-Palooza Aquarium & Aquaculture Show

    What exactly is going to be there? Thanks!
  13. S

    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    Makes sense but I’d like to get some fancies so I can try my hand at growing them out and selling fancy frags. :)
  14. S

    April Get Together- sales, trades and freebies

    Anyone have any super snazzy names across they can bring? Tom seller? Jude law? Space mongers? Super plugs? Jf zoobies? Wcc clunkers?
  15. S

    2023 April Meeting - Momof6kids

    She can go second and I'll go third...hosting and all. :)
  16. S

    2023 April Meeting - Momof6kids

    Can I be second? :-)
  17. S

    2023 April Meeting - Momof6kids

    BWAHAHAHHAA Oh dang...gauntlet thrown!
  18. S

    ITC Parwise par meter

    I think thats only true once you establish a baseline...or at least thats what i read: Apogee says this spot is 300....iphone app says x. Then you know 300=x...andso forth.
  19. S

    low boy on my main display system

    Looks like you need to give me some frags to make room. Heeh