Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
That does look interesting. I like the idea of an emergency backup pipe though. This, if I understand it correctly, is one pipe thru the back I would think that might be noisy?
So I've been doing some research and found a few options.
I don't think the 'over the top' style is my best bet.
So that leaves me a few options.
The tank is ~30 gallons. The 'general rule' is 10x flow out of return pump. I like to overdo things a little, but still the smallest...
Hey folks, I picked up a new tank I plan on setting up. It’s an old oceanic 30g cube. It’s not drilled or anything but comes with hob overflows and all that.
However I think I’d like to drill it and add a overflow. Probably external but don’t know anything about anything. I’ve never drilled a...
My fathers idea of a good beer is something dark. Mine is something super hoppy. I’ll drink either, and a Miller lite if it’s all there is. But for the most part, for a party, I go Sierra Nevada.
Damn dude. I’m not sure if this is real or not but my fallow tank from brook came up on 6 weeks today…and all I need is some cow bell. Wait. Clownfish. Right. A pair fo percs. Ha! Let’s do it!