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Search results

  1. S

    Does anyone know...

    Ha. Truth.
  2. S

    Does anyone know...

    Right. Point of contention. Ok...so can you tell me how to get help with my keto diet? ;-)
  3. S

    Does anyone know...

    ...where I can find some CBD gummies at 8am? :cop::onthego::pig::victorious:
  4. S

    Reef Cleaners - Terrible

    I had mixed results when I ordered, too. I really ordered for 2 peppermint shrimp and then bolstered the order to get free shipping. The peppermint shrimp didn't make it thru shipping, and I was refunded like $12 for the two shrimp.. That being said, I did get a lot of cool stuff. :) But i...
  5. S

    Importance of Pods

    I have so many pods in my tank they’re crawling everywhere and thru everything. One of my favorite parts of the reef tank. And my tank totally skipped the ugly stage, for which I think I have pods and dosing phyto to thank.
  6. S

    At it again 75

    What could go wrong, right? heheh
  7. S

    At it again 75

    You got a powder brown for $49? You sunuvabiscuit! And dropping new fish right in the tank, eh? Risky move, my friend...very risky! ;)
  8. S

    Yellow Watchman Goby Rehoming

    Bah! They would have been best of friends...I know it.
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    Yellow Watchman Goby Rehoming

    He just wants a new friend, mark!
  10. S


    I've bought pods three times now: 1. BRS sells Algaebarn products, but their shipping is significantly less expensive. These are my favorite pods so far. 2. Florida Reef Labs on eBay. This one bothered me a bit, as I didn't really trust them. I don't know why...just didn't see much movement...
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    Gold Hammers/SPS and more

    Thanks Tyler...great meeting you, and you have some awesome tanks and inhabitants!
  12. S

    Yellow Watchman Goby Rehoming

    Interested...would he be ok in: 1. 12 gallon reef with a pair of clowns; or 2. 90 gallon fish only with baby predators? :)
  13. S

    Gold Hammers/SPS and more

    Damn...you guys and your 45-1hr away corals. I'd love to come pick up a salted agave and a sunset. Maybe I can just not eat for a few days...that'll equal out right? ;-)
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    Gold Hammers/SPS and more

    Is the sunset millie colony pictured in the bottom of the forest fire digi snap? Just curious what it looks like growed out. :)
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    Subliminal's FOWLR 90 Gallon Build...

    Well angelfish didn’t make it thru the velvet. Everyone else is doing ok. I think they’re bored with no rocks to hang out in. Rocks riding out the copper treatment: Fishes: There’s a trigger in there too but he blends in with the blue light. But imagine he’s there. ;-)
  16. S

    Subliminal's Fluval Evo 13.5 Build

    And this guy just wanted to say hi.
  17. S

    Subliminal's Fluval Evo 13.5 Build

    So I’ve been watching this Duncan head grow and today I noticed that there are now two new heads growing.
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    WTT a few corals

    The green slimer in the front is definitely from you. The green goblin in the back is entirely different. So you'd be interested in only the blue. Ok, no worries! :)