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Search results

  1. S

    Finally… tank is showing major progress!

    Ha. Was going to post that same meme. But for real!
  2. S

    If You were to Start Over

    I would have just stuck to the one. Hehe also, probably quarantining. Hehe
  3. S

    Subliminal's Fluval Evo 13.5 Build

    For real. I DEFINITELY appreciate it! But my heart currently belongs to my new clowns. :)
  4. S

    Subliminal's Fluval Evo 13.5 Build

    Started to! Forgot about those. Thanks! Ha
  5. S

    Subliminal's Fluval Evo 13.5 Build

    Fallow no mo! finally. Two months of no fish are over. thanks @erics210 for the great looking pair of mocha clowns!
  6. S

    30 gallon frag tank

    Damnit. If it falls thru I would like it.
  7. S

    Best store I’ve been into yet!

    True story. Me too. Ha
  8. S

    Need some equipment advice on starting new reef

    Hit me with some pics please? :-)
  9. S

    Need some equipment advice on starting new reef

    That does look interesting. I like the idea of an emergency backup pipe though. This, if I understand it correctly, is one pipe thru the back I would think that might be noisy?
  10. S

    Subliminal's Fluval Evo 13.5 Build

    Just feeling like it’s looking great in there this am. And the skin on this guy is turning blue and pink. Didn’t see that coming!
  11. S

    Need some equipment advice on starting new reef

    It sure does. And that makes sense...I'll probably go over the top for the return, on your advice. Just want to make sure I get the overflow right. :)
  12. S

    Need some equipment advice on starting new reef

    So I've been doing some research and found a few options. I don't think the 'over the top' style is my best bet. So that leaves me a few options. The tank is ~30 gallons. The 'general rule' is 10x flow out of return pump. I like to overdo things a little, but still the smallest...
  13. S

    Need some equipment advice on starting new reef

    Hey folks, I picked up a new tank I plan on setting up. It’s an old oceanic 30g cube. It’s not drilled or anything but comes with hob overflows and all that. However I think I’d like to drill it and add a overflow. Probably external but don’t know anything about anything. I’ve never drilled a...
  14. S


    I like em. I hear there are different colors which do different (good and bad) things...but mine are all white and all right. Wait...
  15. S

    2023 April Meeting - Momof6kids

    Nobody is perfect. ;-)
  16. S

    2023 April Meeting - Momof6kids

    My fathers idea of a good beer is something dark. Mine is something super hoppy. I’ll drink either, and a Miller lite if it’s all there is. But for the most part, for a party, I go Sierra Nevada.
  17. S

    2023 April Meeting - Momof6kids

    Damn dude. I’m not sure if this is real or not but my fallow tank from brook came up on 6 weeks today…and all I need is some cow bell. Wait. Clownfish. Right. A pair fo percs. Ha! Let’s do it!
  18. S

    2023 April Meeting - Momof6kids

    Anyone drink beer anymore? I can bring some. :)
  19. S

    2023 April Meeting - Momof6kids

    Wow! Just like the olden days. Ha. See you guys there ✌