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Search results

  1. jgraz

    Sump crack

    Horrible discovery last night. I found a approx 7" long crack in the sump. Goes from the return section into the refugium. I'm not exactly sure what's holding it together right now, but I'm thankful that it is. Now I'm in the market for a new one. Of course I happens during frag swap savings...
  2. jgraz

    Need turtle help

    My son and his friends were playing in the woods behind my house today and they brought me this. I don't know if its alive or not. I can see the turtle in there through spaces in the shell. But not sure what to do with it. So I put it back where they found it. Should I just let it be?
  3. jgraz

    Optimal time to check parameters

    The title is the question. I recently noticed a pretty large drop in Alk. I am attributing this to demand, as I have literally had an explosion of growth of both coral and corraline in this tank since setting it up. It's clear to me that WC's are not going to keep up with the demand. So I was...
  4. jgraz

    Alk low

    So it's been a couple of weeks since I checked parameters in the 90. Last night I did and my ALK was way low. Here's the params. Salinity-.025 Ph-8 Ammonia-0 Nitrites-0 Nitrates-0 Phos-.07 Calcium-420 ALK-4 Mag-1260 Now my phosphates are down from .08 one week ago. I started my reactor then. A...
  5. jgraz

    Corals for sale

    Got a few things for sale. Frogspawn green with purple tips 4 heads all splitting- $25 Purple frogspawn I believe 10 heads some splitting- $50 Idaho grape monti about 1.5"-$15 Small sunset and small grinch-$5 each Sunset in front is a bit bigger-$10 Ora birds of paradise-$10 Monti...
  6. jgraz

    Good refugium life

    Bristle worms, mini stars, pods, dusters, stomatellas, basically all the nice stuff one would like to have in a nice working fuge. Also looking for cups of live sand from as many different places as possible. trying to get a nice diversity of life here. Let me know. What you have and how much.
  7. jgraz

    Toxic spill montipora

    Looking for it. Kind of rare. Found someone in Cali. But figured I'd try local first. let me know.