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Search results

  1. jgraz

    Apex Jr help.

    So I've been at this for about 2 hrs and I finally called it quits. This is how far I got. 1) took it out of the box 2) tried to connect to Internet to setup 3) That's right, I've wasted 2 hrs of my life and I can't even connect the thing to the computer. I was literally doing the same thing...
  2. jgraz

    Acrylic work

    I know I saw someone maybe a vendor here that did custom work. Now I can't seem to find it. I need to have a frag rack made and want a custom size done. Any ideas who or where I can get this done in NJ. Thanks everyone. John
  3. jgraz

    Rastas and darth mauls

    Well these guys have all but halted growth in my system so its time to move on. No pics ATM since its dark in the tank. I can get the mauls in the morning. The Rastas are not in the greatest spot so not sure about them. The Rastas are 6 polyps on a small piece of rubble. The polyps are medium...
  4. jgraz

    Light for a 17"x17"x12" tank

    I pulled my refugium a few months ago ago after starting bio pellets. Now I have this empty space. I'm considering using it as a frag tank. Lighting is my main issue here. I have t5'son the main system and would love to go that way but with that size it just doesn't seem possible. So in on to...
  5. jgraz

    Group Coral Growout

    So I came across a post yesterday of a guy in LI looking to do a growout where a few people send their coral to a central place and have one person grown then, well you get the idea. I figured this could be a good idea to do close to home. I figure 5 or 6 members each offering 1 or 2 SPS frags...
  6. jgraz

    Stock list, can I add another?

    So I've been tossing the idea around about adding another fish. I'm pretty sure I'm at or over capacity though especially with the 3 tangs. But figured I'd get some opinions anyway. Tank is 90gal. Current stock: 2x occelaris clowns 2x bangaii's Melanarus wrasse 6-line wrasse Blue spot watchman...
  7. jgraz

    2 mp20 controllers and power supply $25 each

    I upgraded my 20's to 40's and these are the leftovers. I figure $25 each. This does not have a wet or dry side included.
  8. jgraz

    Dry rock

    Looking for about 10 lbs of small pieces or dry rock like reefrocks or Marco rocks. Needs to never have seen water. Let me know.
  9. jgraz

    Jgraz's Custom 15"x15"x12" SPS Nano

    For the longest time I've been trying to find a way to get another nano going without setting up a tank in another area (something my wife pretty much put the kabosh on). I really wanted the tank to be tied into my main system. I also wanted to clean up a bit around my stand. Since I don't have...
  10. jgraz

    Deep Blue Triton 4 $50

    Ran this pump for about 4 months before I upgraded to larger to run everything. Had this on my 90 and had to dial it back about half. Plenty of flow here.
  11. jgraz

    Please help me ID this chalice

    Best I can do on the pics. It does have a green rim so Im thinking its some type of watermelon. The rim is hard to see in the pics. Anyway the rest is purpleish with green eyes. Here's a few in different light. Thanks n advance.
  12. jgraz

    Small cube aquarium

    Liking for a small cube. Somewhere between 12x12x12 and 15x15x12. Don't want a AIO though. Preferably glass and in good shape. Thanks in advance. John
  13. jgraz

    AI Nano or other nano LED

    Title says it all. Just checking before I buy. Thanks in advance.
  14. jgraz

    Glassholes nano overflow

    Title says it all. Looking for a small overflow for a 10gal project I'm working on. Figured I'd check around before I order it. Thanks in advance.
  15. jgraz


    So I'm in the market for a controller finally. First, I am pretty dumb when it comes to programming things. I like easy. Second, ATM I only need to control my heater, lights(on/off), dosers, and want to keep temp readings. I have vortechs so they control themselves and I also already have a ATO...
  16. jgraz

    Red bugs

    Well it appears my dipping regiment has failed me. I have red bugs. I noticed when making some room on the frag rack I picked up a acro that has never really amounted to anything and there they were. I know what the treatment is and I know it's very hard to come by these days but does anyone...
  17. jgraz

    Quieting megaflow

    So I have finally had enough of the noise. I gotta find a way to quiet this thing down. It gurgles at the top and I can see and hear surging at times. If I cut back the flow from the pump it quiets it down, but then the flow is non existent. I have read up on this and it seems like a normal...
  18. jgraz


    Looking for some. A recent combination of events ultimately led to the demise of mine. If your trimming soon let me know. Thanks in advance.
  19. jgraz

    Return manifolds

    In a few days I'll be receiving a reef octopus bio reactor(though I'm not supposed to know). While I do have a mag 5 ready to go I have been considering running a bigger return pump and setting it up on a manifold with me brs GAC reactor. However I'm clueless how to do it. Anyone have any...
  20. jgraz

    Quick PVC cement?

    I plan on changing my vinyl tubing from return pump to PVC today. How long must I wait before I can fire up the return pump after setting up?