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Search results

  1. jgraz

    Montipora frags

    I have the following frags for sale, Appleberry- $25-$40( Top one is not for sale) Northern Lights- $20 each Reverse Pokerstar- $20 each X-factor cap- fresh cut- $20 Orange Cap w/white Polyps- fresh cut-$20 Spongeods-fresh cut-$15 Mind Trick-$20 Chili Pepper-20 Pokerstar $15(not quite colored up...
  2. jgraz

    White Velvet zoas and Darth Maul Porites

    I'm on the hunt for both of these. The White Velvets are pretty rare. They were originally available from an old member here and I know I had spread some around as well. Here is a pic of the ones I had back in the day. If you have either, let me know Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  3. jgraz

    Dry Reef Saver rock & Tropic eden reef flakes 08505

    $1 per pound SOLD Dry Rock. Never seen water. Mix of Marco, Reef Saver and Reef Rocks. It's all the same anyway. Various sizes as you can see. The bigger pieces are probably around 15-20lbs each. They are easily broken down if smaller is desired. Probably 70-80lbs here 30lb bag of Tropic Eden...
  4. jgraz

    Herbie overflow in Reef Ready system

    So who has done this. The splashing into the sump and the constant bubbles are driving me crazy. Been reading alot about this and Herbie seems the way to go. I'll come up over the rim for return. But I have to now do this with tank in place. Looking for some first hand and close by knowledge...
  5. jgraz

    Hole in 40b sump

    So first of all my bad for now testing beforehand. It was stupid but I forgot. And then I paid for it. While testing system for leaks I sure found one. It's a a literal hole in the bottom corner. It looks huge in the pic of course. I'd say touch under 1/4". Can I just fill this with silicone and...
  6. jgraz

    UltraFkex PVC

    Anybody know if this is available anywhere in central/south Jersey area? I'm looking for 1" ultra flex. Regular Spa Flex from big box stores wont cut it. Dont need much only about 5ft so I'm trying to find local begore I order a huge roll online Thanks in advance Sent from my SM-G935V using...
  7. jgraz

    Jgraz's 90g

    After about 2.5 years away I'm coming back in with a less overwhelming system. Going with a 90RR tank, 40B DIY sump, and DIY stand. I'm planning this to closely mirror my previous 90 setup with a few minor changes. Tank is purchased as is most of the equipment at this point. Starting the stand...
  8. jgraz

    WTB: 48" 6 or 8 Bulb T-5 fixture

    On the hunt for a 6 x 54w or 8 x 54w T5 fixture. ATI or Tek(sunlight supply) only. Let me know what you have John
  9. jgraz

    Tropaquarium water jugs

    Not sure how long ago they closed, but for those that remember they used to sell these 5 gal water jugs. They were like $6 each if I remember. And if you got water and returned them they gave your money back. Anyway I had a good collection of them and thought I kept them when I got out a while...
  10. jgraz

    Best place for tank purchase

    Been lurking and thinking and lurking and thinking. If one was thinking of getting back in to the hobby where is the new cheapest place for tank purchase now that Tropaquarium is closed(to my surprise). Only looking to go nano so nothing crazy. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
  11. jgraz

    Last items for sale- Bordentown,NJ 08505

    This is the last of what I have, and I want it all out of here. Filter Guys Ocean Wave +1 RODI. +1 more added by me. With Booster pump, auto shut off, auto flush, and solenoid. $125 This if everything you need to fully automated RODI. I will also include a Brute 32g with float valve and the...
  12. jgraz

    Breakdown Continued-Bordentown,NJ 08505

    More stuff ready to roll. Hopefully this will be my last one. Apex Lite-$250 Apex lite, Display, EB-8, PH & Temp prob SOLD Apex EB8- $100 eachSOLD Never used PH probe- $25SOLD Fragging Supplies-$100 SOLD Ocean Revive S026 LED-$100 SOLD Cobalt Neo-Flow 10k powerhead-$25 SOLD Mag 5-$25 SOLD Red...
  13. jgraz

    Out of Hobby sale cont. Bordentown, NJ 08505

    More stuff ready to go ATI Sunpower 8x24" T5-$250 SOLD Sicce Syncra Silent 1.5-$30 SOLD Jebao RW4-$25 each SOLD BRS Hole Saw kit-$10 SOLD Ecotech Frag kit-$30 SOLD Jebao Crossflow CP40-$100 SOLD BRS 1.1 Dosers- $50 each SOLD Dosing canisters-$30 each SOLD Red Sea foundations test kit...
  14. jgraz

    Marineland 45 cube with the works Bordentown, NJ 08505 $500

    Gauging interest before I breakdown and sell separate. This is for a full setup including livestock. Marineland 45G cube DIY glass sump Marineland stand ATI 6x24" Sunpower SWC 120 Cone skimmer Deep Blue triton 4 return pump ATO.com dual float 2x Koralia 750 powerheads Eheim Jager Heater- I think...
  15. jgraz

    Frag racks, transport, and tank. Bordentown, NJ 08505

    Well, I had these racks and transport listed 2 months ago and someone @MatteZ said he wanted them. I thought it would be a good idea to hold without payment, my mistake. So after 1.5 months of excuses and 2 weeks of ignored PM's and texts its back up for sale. Building an Obsession Frag...
  16. jgraz

    30g Deep Blue Rimless Frag-$150 Bordentown,NJ 08505

    Tank is drilled for a Glassholes Nano Con Dientes Overflow and 1/2" return. $150 Super Nano con Dientes Overflow Box Complete Kit - Glass-Holes.com dope aquarium stuff
  17. jgraz

    Breakdown Continued-Bordentown, NJ 08505

    Time for some Equipment and other things All items located in Bordentown, NJ 08505 60" ATI Sunpower 8x80w fixture-$400 SOLD SWC 230 Cone Protien Skimmer-$375 This is still running and will be taken down and cleaned before prior to delivery. This is an absolute beast of a skimmer. I had this...
  18. jgraz

    System Breakdown: Corals-Live Rock-Fish Bordentown, NJ 08505

    After much thought, I have decided to move forward I need to start over. That said I am beginning a breakdown of my current system in order to rebuild smaller. Livestock First Coral: There is a bit of everything but mostly SPS. There is a lot of nice stuff and a bit of not so nice that used to...
  19. jgraz

    MTC Pro Cal, Aquarium Plants Regulator and CO2 Bottle- Bordentown 08505

    MTC ProCal- $400 $325 page12 Aquarium Plants Carbon Doser-$sold comes with 3 perma seals CarbonDoser Electronic Co2 Regulator Perma-Seal (co2 cylinder to regulator seal) 5Lb CO2 Bottle-$50 Take the Package for $600 Pick up is Bordentown, NJ or I can bring with me to work in Elizabeth, NJ
  20. jgraz

    For Sale: Frag rack, BioPellet Reactor, Acclimation Box-Bordentown 08505

    Starting my clean out, and first up we have: Blue Glow frag rack- Classic series in Black. These have never seen water and are more or less brand new-$80 SOLD Classic Series 17" Frag Rack in BLACK Synergy Reef Acclimation Box--$25 PENDING SOLD Acclimation Fallout Shelter Reef Octopus...