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Hi all I have a 180 gallon reef with Mix Coral. My lighting right now is 3 175 watt M/H and 2 VHO actinics. I was thinking of upgrading to 3 250 watt M/H.
But I have been thinking of switching to T5 lighting. (Current USA 72" 12x39w Nova Extreme Pro).
You can find info on it here...
The all new Warner Marine Media Reactor MR-100. Handle aquarium up to 1200 gallon systems when using PHOSaR HC media. The media reactor has a chamber of 4″ and will take up a footprint of 4.5″ x 7.0″. This new media reactor uses a Sedra KSP-2500 pump eating up only 20 watts. Features include an...
My DIY sump 24"L x 14"H x 14"W. My new Warner Marine K-2 protein skimmer and the new MR-100 Media Reactor. I got the first on from Warner Marine. Hope you like the photos
The all new Warner Marine Media Reactor MR-100
Now My tank 180 gallon
Acrylic experts Needed ;D
I'm making my sump and I need Help with the best way for me to glue my 1/4" sheets of acrylic together With out it Leaking I have Weldon #16.
Any help would be Great.
The skimmer has a footprint of about 10.5 x 14.5. The cones base is about 9.25" and the neck is 4.5". The total height is 21.75". It is powered by a single Sicce pump modified by Warner Marine. It flows more air and water than any other commerically available Sicce PSK-2500 PinWheel. Warner...
Hi I am looking at ATB Econo 840 skimmer. ATB is rating it for tanks up to 249 gallons.
Size:10.5L x14W x20H
Base Diameter: 8 inches
Pump: Mini Airstar
Power Consumption: 21 watts
Tank Rating: Tanks up to 249 Gallons
I have a 180 gallon reef tank. Dose any one know any thing about them...
OK I am going to replace my MRC-2 skimmer that is on my 180 heavy loaded reef tank. I am Looking at ASM What one do you think I should go with?
G-4 350 1 - Sedra 5000 8.5" 11.5x16" 24"
G-4 Plus 400 1 - Sedra 9000 8.5" 11.5x16" 24
G-4XX 450 1 - Sedra 15000 8.5" 13x14" 30"
Or if you think there...
OK I have a 180 gallon reef tank with a MRC-2 skimmer which I do not care for. I all so have a Blueline 55HD pump that I can use. I am looking at getting ETSS Evolution 750 or 800XL skimmer.
I can get a Very very sweet deal on the Evolution 750 or a pretty good deal for the 800XL but not as...
Hi I need some help on how I can turn my MRC-2 Beckett skimmer in to a down draft. I do not like the Beckett at all. MRC-2 is the same size as ETSS 600 or 800. I would like to make into a 800. Because my MRC has room for a second injector.
I am running a Blueline 55 pump.
Thank you all for your...
I was at Allquatics today and asked if they stock ETSS skimmers and the two men looked at me like I was crazy. I asked if they ever heard of ETSS skimmers and they said was what is it. So I asked if they know what a MRC skimmer was and they said no. So I asked if they ever heard of Downdraft or...
Ok I am done playing around with my MRC-2 skimmer. I am looking in getting a ETSS 600 skimmer at very good price.
It will go on my 180 gallon reef tank. I will use my Blueline 55 pump with it.
Any info about this skimmer would be great.