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Search results

  1. Daniel

    T5 or stay with M/H

    Hi all I have a 180 gallon reef with Mix Coral. My lighting right now is 3 175 watt M/H and 2 VHO actinics. I was thinking of upgrading to 3 250 watt M/H. But I have been thinking of switching to T5 lighting. (Current USA 72" 12x39w Nova Extreme Pro). You can find info on it here...
  2. Daniel

    Looking for mesh for Pump

    Looking into getting Mesh for a pump mod. where can I get some? My zip is 08060 Thanks for the help. Daniel
  3. Daniel

    King Kong Calcium Reactor

    This is the new King Kong Calcium Reactor From Warner Marine Info 5 chamber Calcium Reactor, 30" tall, 8" Main reaction chamber and integrated pump.
  4. Daniel

    Look at the Air draw of my K-2 Skimmer

    Here is what My Warner Marine K-2 is pulling in air 38 SCFH which is about 1100 lph.
  5. Daniel

    The all new Warner Marine Media Reactor MR-100

    The all new Warner Marine Media Reactor MR-100. Handle aquarium up to 1200 gallon systems when using PHOSaR HC media. The media reactor has a chamber of 4″ and will take up a footprint of 4.5″ x 7.0″. This new media reactor uses a Sedra KSP-2500 pump eating up only 20 watts. Features include an...
  6. Daniel

    My DIY Sump,.New K-2 Skimmer and WM MR-100 up and Running

    My DIY sump 24"L x 14"H x 14"W. My new Warner Marine K-2 protein skimmer and the new MR-100 Media Reactor. I got the first on from Warner Marine. Hope you like the photos The all new Warner Marine Media Reactor MR-100 Now My tank 180 gallon
  7. Daniel

    We need info on upcoming meeting "April North (Baxreefs)"

    Sorry to ask but I would like to know the info on April North (Baxreefs) meeting. I hope I can make it.
  8. Daniel

    Need Help with Gluing 1/4" acrylic together

    Acrylic experts Needed ;D I'm making my sump and I need Help with the best way for me to glue my 1/4" sheets of acrylic together With out it Leaking I have Weldon #16. Any help would be Great. Daniel
  9. Daniel

    Looking to buy weldon #16 Mt Holly 08060

    Hi I am Looking for is Weldon #16 in the Mt, Holly area 08060. Dose anyone know who sells it? Thank you, Daniel
  10. Daniel

    K-2 Blackskimmate

    Now I can say is I never seen skimmate like this black before. ;D It is from K-2 Skimmer.
  11. Daniel

    My new Warner Marine Research K-2 Cone Skimmer

    The skimmer has a footprint of about 10.5 x 14.5. The cones base is about 9.25" and the neck is 4.5". The total height is 21.75". It is powered by a single Sicce pump modified by Warner Marine. It flows more air and water than any other commerically available Sicce PSK-2500 PinWheel. Warner...
  12. Daniel


    K-2 My new Warner Marine Research K-2 protine skimmer So the K-2 is Cone Base 9.25" Neck 4.5" Air Flow 950LPH @ 19-21W Rated for ??
  13. Daniel

    Who has the Best Price on Bulkheads

    I am looking for 4-1" and 4-1.5" bulkheads. Who has the best price on them?
  14. Daniel

    ATB Econo 840 skimmer

    Hi I am looking at ATB Econo 840 skimmer. ATB is rating it for tanks up to 249 gallons. Size:10.5L x14W x20H Base Diameter: 8 inches Pump: Mini Airstar Power Consumption: 21 watts Tank Rating: Tanks up to 249 Gallons I have a 180 gallon reef tank. Dose any one know any thing about them...
  15. Daniel

    ASM skimmer for 180 Gallon Reef ? Or some thing Better.

    OK I am going to replace my MRC-2 skimmer that is on my 180 heavy loaded reef tank. I am Looking at ASM What one do you think I should go with? G-4 350 1 - Sedra 5000 8.5" 11.5x16" 24" G-4 Plus 400 1 - Sedra 9000 8.5" 11.5x16" 24 G-4XX 450 1 - Sedra 15000 8.5" 13x14" 30" Or if you think there...
  16. Daniel

    ETSS Skimmer Question Evolution 750 or 800XL HELP

    OK I have a 180 gallon reef tank with a MRC-2 skimmer which I do not care for. I all so have a Blueline 55HD pump that I can use. I am looking at getting ETSS Evolution 750 or 800XL skimmer. I can get a Very very sweet deal on the Evolution 750 or a pretty good deal for the 800XL but not as...
  17. Daniel

    MRC Ocean Force 300 Protein Skimmer

    MRC Ocean Force 300 Protein Skimmer Has any one used one or seen one in action? http://www.myreefcreations.com/product_info.php?products_id=346
  18. Daniel

    Make my MRC-2 into a down draft skimmer Help

    Hi I need some help on how I can turn my MRC-2 Beckett skimmer in to a down draft. I do not like the Beckett at all. MRC-2 is the same size as ETSS 600 or 800. I would like to make into a 800. Because my MRC has room for a second injector. I am running a Blueline 55 pump. Thank you all for your...
  19. Daniel

    Allquatics Did not know

    I was at Allquatics today and asked if they stock ETSS skimmers and the two men looked at me like I was crazy. I asked if they ever heard of ETSS skimmers and they said was what is it. So I asked if they know what a MRC skimmer was and they said no. So I asked if they ever heard of Downdraft or...
  20. Daniel

    ETSS 600 skimmer info

    Ok I am done playing around with my MRC-2 skimmer. I am looking in getting a ETSS 600 skimmer at very good price. It will go on my 180 gallon reef tank. I will use my Blueline 55 pump with it. Any info about this skimmer would be great. Daniel