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Search results

  1. Daniel

    Bubble Coral

    I would like to share with you my Bubble Coral ;D Daniel
  2. Daniel

    Prototype Dual down draft Reef devil skimmer from E.T.S.S.

    Gary at E.T.S.S built this for me to try out. Prototype Dual down draft Reef devil skimmer. ;D Has any one no how long they take to brake in this has been going for two days now. I get very fine foam and then nothing, Very fine foam and then nothing again. Gary said this is normal for brake...
  3. Daniel

    Copper Band in a reef tank

    Hi, If I put a Copper band in my reef tank to eat aiptasia would I have to worry about my other corals?
  4. Daniel

    Category posting

    How can I start a Category. I go to upload and my Category but can not find how to upload in to it?