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Search results

  1. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    Thanks guys. I'll try to keep this thread as updated as possible
  2. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    Definitely more rock. I love fish... but I love corals too much. I'm gonna add some live rock slowly.
  3. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    Thank you! So far so good.. I'll be testing thr water all week
  4. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    Hi all! I've made a few tank threads before, but I would like to start this one from day one of this tank. I have previously had a 5G reef then a IM 20G Fusion. Today, I finally jumped up to a 40 breeder and I now have my first 20L sump. I will go more indepth with a post tomorrow or later...
  5. R

    2018 Host wanted!!!!

    Most likely could. I would just need to know in advance.
  6. R

    2018 Host wanted!!!!

    Not a problem! Just here to help!
  7. R

    2018 Host wanted!!!!

    I may be able to do Jan the same location as Feb if no one else really wants to host?
  8. R

    High Nitrate Help

    What are your nitrates after last test
  9. R

    Who doesnt do water changes?

    I don't do them often
  10. R

    Office Pico

    Or if he wants a real challenge he could try a frogfish too
  11. R

    Office Pico

    Also coral wise I second the pest tank. Xenia or GSP would look nice with 1 or 2 larger euphellia or a BTA. I can envision it now.
  12. R

    Office Pico

    Citron clown goby.
  13. R

    Innovative Marine Nuvo Concept A-Toll [12 Gallon AIO]

    What about those jawbreakers?
  14. R

    Still in search of a few things

    Oh okay. I was going to offer you a light, but it's not large enough for that tank
  15. R

    SCA 50 gallon Cube

    Looking good! I really like how you brought all the spare parts together.
  16. R

    Still in search of a few things

    Is the tank 100G? Or is it smaller than that?
  17. R

    Wrasse ID help!

    The head is also a deep pink color that fades into a more white as you run your eyes posterior (mouth to caudal fin) on it's body
  18. R

    Wrasse ID help!

    Nope. On the caudal fin there's an orange band that looks like is forming
  19. R

    Wrasse ID help!

    The pale wrasse is close.. It is is lacking the dorsal dots though. Maybe they have them when they're juve? One thing I'm pretty sure is that it is in the family Halichoeres.
  20. R

    Wrasse ID help!

    They were told it was a triselis coris wrasse, but when you look that up.. it's not even a thing.