Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
One of my RBTA went down the drain. I got him out now if you want him make arangement with me to get him tonight...I will be driving to Toms River, or tommorrow at the very latest. Be aware he is probably a little banged up.
Here are the rules are
1. You must offer a frag of something to NJ...
I don't know how many of you get Blue Zoo Aquatic's email newsletters but I find them to be a cut above the standard sales pitch. I ordered from them very early in my reefing career and was impressed with their way of doing business. Heck I still use their acclimation setup.
Anyway they had...
Due to my bad habit of cleaning the tank, or being really clumsy.
Montipora capricornis
Orange Scrolling Montipora Corals often grow in interesting shapes and whorls while attaching an encrusting base on rock. Orange Scrolling Montipora Corals are found in virtually every ocean in the world...
Well I am either the clumsy reefer or the parnoid one.
More likely both.
I autofragged some orange cap today.
I have one large frag, one medium, and two small ones.
Free to anyone who wants to pick them up.
Jon asked for one earlier so will put him first in line if he still wants one.
One thing...
I wanted to start this thread before I saw we had a new forum. Think it is the right place for it.
So it was almost exactly one year from the start of our reef tank. We had a vague idea that we wanted to upgrade and then I stopped at Bills for a group buy pickup. That was the push I needed.
OK so I am in PA mode today. Some new items I see have come out on the market, so thought I would share.
Has anyone gotten one of these pumps? They look to be great as far as power usage goes.
So I got a Drs F+F gift certificate from my sister...good to have the family enable my addiction.
One of the things I bought was a TLF reactor.
I have a simple question. Maybe I am paranoid or I am paranoid.
But my question is to anyone who has the reactor, did you put some sort of...
I am planning the stocking of my 120G tank. I have two firefish(I hope they are in hiding), one pygmy angel, one clown fish, and one bi-color pseudochromis. I would like to stock two tangs. One being a blue hippo tang. Which of the following do you think would be the best choice as second fish...
So I got my tank finally. I had the stand in the one place that it really fit. It was extremely level front to back but just a off just a little bit right to left. Facing it the right side was lower, but I didn't think it was very significant not having the tank. However as I was cleaning the...