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Search results


    West Coral Mariculture?? Help

    Has anyone ordered from them directly or through eBay? They have the live sand I am looking for and the price is very good. Looks legit but I would be more comfortable if someone here could tell me they are decent.

    My Oceanic Tech 120

    So I caught some virus at a monthly meeting and, I "just had to have" a new tank. I was lucky enough to spread it to my wife, and we have similar tastes, so we decided on the Oceanic Tech tank. Then I was picking stuff up from Bill(thanks again for all the work), I was looking at his tanks with...

    New 200 and 15 gallon Marineland tanks.

    I was in Trop last weekend getting my water and I watched them unpack the new 200 gallon tank. It is 4FT wide by 3FT deep, the stand is very nice with doors on the ends that lift out so you can access under the stand from the ends like the Tech tanks. There is also a 3x3 FT cube that is 150...

    Brand New Neptune Aquacontroller Junior AC-JR-TMP-SER

    http://cgi.ebay.com/Brand-New-Neptune-Aquacontroller-Junior-AC-JR-TMP-SER_W0QQitemZ230252114878QQihZ013QQcategoryZ117435QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem This deal looked super if anyone was interested. It is not mine just saw it.

    Tank size comparison

    Found this handy reference webpage. Would come in handy for anyone designing a new tank. http://stage1.aquatic-gardeners.org/TankHardware/size-chart.html

    Snail spawned -- some questions/help

    OK so two days ago I noticed a bunch of little "eggs" in a squiggly line on the upper part of my tank.  Then last night I noticed some more just under my green leather coral which hasn't opened in a few days.  Then after th e lights went out I looked in to see OH 150 tiny snails crawling...

    Pygmy Angel

    So Reeftopia has the Atlantic Pygmy Angel on their site. I have thought about getting one, I understand they are cautiously reef safe. Does anyone have one? Has anyone purchased one from Reeftopia? Problems? This would be my third and last fish in my tank. Pseudocromis, clown and this one. Have...

    Your "Fantasy Tank"

    We all have tanks here obviously, but how many of us got to start from scratch? I figure we all have grown into our tanks or started the hobby with a lot less information then we have now. So my question is if you got a clean slate starting now with all you have know what would your tank setup...

    Finally my 24G Aqua Pod

    Well I am finally getting around to posting my tank setup here. First I want to thank Mynd for all the help and encouragement he has given me, and for the rest of you that have chimed in along the way both directly and indirectly thanks. Also thanks to the officers who did all the work done for...

    Group buy

    I became a paying member yesterday(sent my money and emailed form in). But I cannot see the Nov group buy which I assumed I would be able to see it. Is there some trick to seeing it? Thanks, James PS glad to be part of the group loved the frag swap and all the help so far.

    My 24G AP Nano Fuge Solution

    Hey everyone first a lot of thanks go out to eveyone that has helped out with my questions. Second I came up with a solution for a Fuge in the back of my 24G AP and think it could work for others. Maybe someone has done it but here goes. I pulled out the garbage they include in the initial...