Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
my tank has always run pretty high nitrates. this is from a large number of fish and my heavy hand in feeding. I've read a lot of articles and spoken to a lot of people about this issue and there's numerous ways people deal with nitrates from water changes, biopellets, algae scrubbers...
found this great deal. thought I would share, bit too far from me but this tank can be rimless because of the short height. you could also sell that top rim for $100. making this tank a legitimate steal.
so what do you guys think? should I skin it with ply wood or something?
maybe some center braces?
it's 2x6 on top and rest of it is 2x4
for a 125 I'm going to reseal. not leaking just kind of ugly in a few spots
i was on my way back from TSM today and i made a wrong turn somewhere. i ended up in the backyard of a toyota dealer. dude they had like vehicle frames everywhere! like brand new ones and old ones stacked on the side. what the hell? toyota is a piece of crap now?
Wouldn't this be cool for a fish tank? You could have the sump right where that door opens!
Does anyone have a crazy fishtank?
just wanted to throw this out there for some of you peeps who havent solved your emergency power situations yet. this is typically on sale for $99 and there are always coupons on holidays and weekly!
900 Watt Max Starting 2 Cycle Gas Powered Generator - EPA/CARB
what do you think about these guys? out of barnegat bay. I think they are mud dog whelk.. not sure. would you hang on to them or throw them back? I don't have any sand but there's probably a lot of detritus and uneaten food in my rocks.
idk if it's just me. what do you guys think about people selling fish or corals for more than you could get it at the store lol.
I mean yeah I get it you might have spent a lot to grow or care for it but isn't it closer to dying the older or bigger it is? hahaha
man idk I'm not paying...