Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
When you walk Into a aquarium store. What do you look forward in results out of the store?
For example for me.
• I look forward to finding some more of the rare fish not always your regular store fishes that you find everywhere.
•Corals I like to see small colonies not just a small 1inch frag...
I have a Sleeper Gold Head Goby that I had to take out of my DT. I have sugar fine sand and he's covering up my corals. He actually made me lose several pcs. He eats very good and he's not aggressive in any way.
Free to a good home. Will take a coral for him but not needed.
Here's a list of what I'm looking for LMK what piece you have and price.
Hawkins blue Echinata
Graf purple bonsai
Birds of paradise
Bali tricolor
Ice fire Enchinata
Green slimmer
Cali blue tort
Purple stag
Blue stag
Green dragon
Mayagi tort
Purple nana
Green slimmer
Thanks Jose
I'm getting ready to upgrade my cable box to the new X1platform cable box. I know comcast suckered me but I'm saving $20 a month now.
Has anyone upgraded to this cable box yet. If so what should I expect ? Will I love it or hate it ?
My buddy has a Stars and Stripes Puffer he wants to get rid of. He's gonna venture to viral side and the puffer is a No- No for a coral tank. He's owned him since it was about 3" now it's about 5". He's asking $40 or trade for a few corals.
I'm interested in taking a trip to Champion Lighting. Can anyone tell me if it's a retail store that I can go visit or is it a distributor store that only ships out?
I'm gonna be helping a friend that has a 125 non-RR tank. He has been a victim of our wonderful LFS in SJ.
A little info on the tank is it's a 6' length x 24" height x18"depth. Top brace has three openings.
I'm gonna be drilling the tank with a glass-hole kit. Here is two options I'm...
Hi guys this Sunday Ill be doing a motorcycle run from Camden waterfront to Atlantic City for Autism. I've been doing this for 3yrs straight rain or shine. I do this cause it effects my extended family personally. So if anyone here rides a motorcycle and would like to join for a great cause...
I'm just curious to see were everyone is in NJ , PA or DEL.
You don't have contribute if you don't want to.
I live in Hammonton,NJ. "The Blueberry Capital"
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
Found this on amazon while searching for powerheads. Thought it was interesting. Has anyone ever seen this in action? I wonder how the flow would be on it?
As the title states I'm looking for a amiracle overflow box. I know one of you NJRC members have one somewhere tucked in a corner will to part with it. LMK I will take it off your hands. Pm me with the price.
Well as many of you know I sold my 150gal about 2months ago for some personal issues. Well my daughter had a hard time when everything was sold and the tears came out. I didnt know she enjoyed that much. So for a couple of weeks she been asking for a fish tank again. Things have calmed down in...