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Search results

  1. jose7878

    Returning again

    Well I think this probably was the shortest getting out of the hobby in history. It lasted a whole entire 2 months. Since breaking down and selling all my equipment my daughter keeps telling me I want Fishy tank again dad. She was my little helper with feedings and getting buckets to do water...
  2. jose7878

    Ph probe storage rubber

    I'm looking for the little rubber that goes on the ph probe for storage. I need it to ship a probe out. I lost mine and i need one like ASAP. Or if you have an idea LMK. Thanks
  3. jose7878

    Emperor angelfish

    Alright i didn't expect to have him this long after my sale thread started. Well all my equipment has pretty much been sold. So it's hard to keep this guy in my stock tank without being able to keep water quality in check and temp stable. So I giving him away. If not he's gonna have to go to a...
  4. jose7878

    Equipment Sale

    SRO XP-2000 cone skimmer $200 JBJ Ato w/maxi jet 400 $60 sold 1/3 in-line chiller with Ranco Controller $200 1 Brute 32gal trash can w/ 1 inch bulkhead drain pipe and float switch$15 sold solS 2 fluval 300w submersible heater $10each 1 Finnex 300w $20 Hanna P04 Checker $25 Iwaki MD-30RXT $75...
  5. jose7878

    Corals 4 Sale

    Well here are the last of corals that are left I got 3 pcs $10 each some type of acan green/purple with 10 heads $20 Christmas Favia $20 Acan it's orange/green $30 Acan red/green/purple about 6 eyes $20 Green coral cup about 6-7" round $30
  6. jose7878

    Live rock

    I Have about 100+ lbs of liverock for sale $1.50LB
  7. jose7878

    Fish for sale

    I have a 3-4" Juvinile Emperor Fish $50 , 4-5"Yellow Tang $20 , 3"Barlett Anthias $20 and Blue/Green Chromois $free$
  8. jose7878

    Something 4 seahorse lovers.

    Found this article interesting. http://www.fusedjaw.com/biology/new-giant-seahorses-discovered-colossal-seahorses/
  9. jose7878

    Sick Coral Beauty

    My coral beauty looks bloated and is swimming erratically. Getting ready to put in a QT tank What should I use to medicate him?
  10. jose7878

    Super Bowl picks

    I can't believe no one started this. Well who's everyone picking for Super Bowl. My pick is Baltimore Ravens.
  11. jose7878

    Coralife t5 bulbs

    I bought these Coralife 30" T5 bulbs and only used them for week.I paid $18 each for the bulbs. I ended up ordering korallin-zucht bulbs that are 36" for more spread. So I'm selling these.. Two 30" 31 watts actinics Two 30" 31 watts 10k All four for $40 or b/o
  12. jose7878

    Ceramic Tile

    I work for a ceramic tile store. My question is can I use a plain 4x4 ceramic tile to use as frag plugs?
  13. jose7878

    In market for new fish

    It time to get a few fish in my tank I'm gonna get a few Bartlett Anthias , powder blue tang , yellow wrasse , Labout 's fairy wrasse emperor angelfish. Now I know all are reef safe except the Emperor he's a reef caution fish. Now my question is. Has anyone owned a emperor in a reef tank...
  14. jose7878

    Tang swimming upside down

    I have a yellow for some reason swims upside down. Check the video out.
  15. jose7878

    Wtb Purple tang

    As title says looking for a purple tang at reasonable price. Pm if you know someone who's selling one.
  16. jose7878

    Considering LEDs

    Its that time to purchase new mh bulbs and t5 bulbs. So if I can keep my purchase of new LEDs to the same price of replacing my bulbs I will be doing the swap to LEDs. My budget will be $400 if anyone know we're i can get something to light my tank in that price range LMK. Will also need...
  17. jose7878

    Tank manufacture ??????

    Does anyone know how to find out what tank manufacturer I have by the sticker on bottom panel. This tank has only 1 sticker that says " assembled by DAN 1-99"
  18. jose7878

    Ice cap 660

    I have a ice cap 660 ballast. All of a sudden my ballast isn't fuctioning correct. The bulbs turn off as soon as the ballast turn on. So I unplug it and again the bulbs turn off just as fast as I plug it in. Has anyone ever had this issue before? If so how do I repair it?
  19. jose7878

    Who needs to borrow a generator?

    Alright I have a 3500 watt generator that I'm not using since I didnt lose my electric. Since I know how it feels to lose eveything I'm putting this offer up. If you want to drive to Hammonton, NJ and pick it up. Please pm me. José
  20. jose7878

    Temp controller.

    I'm looking for a ranco temp controller. Mine just died need one ASAP. Please LMK if you have one Ava.