• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. radiata

    WooHoo ! A $15 Digital Magnifying Glass

    It is only 41X, so I'm not inclined to call it a Digital Microscope. https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=11612&cl=res&utm_source=170227_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=11612&utm_campaign=170227_monday
  2. radiata

    BRS Dual Reactor

    Used BRS Dual Reactor for sale ~~~ $50 Specs: BRS GFO & Carbon Reactor - Dual Pick up in 07039, or could possibly deliver to a meeting.
  3. radiata

    Majano Wand

    Used Majano Wand (long version) $60 picked up in 07039 or $70 shipped in ConUS to a verified Pay Pal address. PM is key.
  4. radiata

    Hawkins echinata

    Looking for a frag or small colony of Hawkins echinata...
  5. radiata

    ATS Scrapings

    I expect to start up an Algae Turf Scrubber in the next month or two... Looking for someone who is coming to the meeting next week who can give me some of their ATS scrapings so I can jump-start my scrubber... I might even be willing to pay for the stuff you are about to toss in the garbage!
  6. radiata


    I just noticed that the "NY" Reef-A-Palooza dates for this year are Saturday June 24th and Sunday June 25th. Put these dates on your calendars!
  7. radiata

    RO/DI Question for RedFishBlueFish

    I know RedFishBlueFish is a big fan of flushing RO membranes, hence the following: How long, either in seconds or minutes, should an RO membrane be flushed before use? I just converted my manual RO/DI to an automatic one with an Avast Barrel Tender V2 and a pressure switch for my Aquatec...
  8. radiata

    Membership Issues?

    Is there a forum for membership issues?
  9. radiata

    Excess Apex Equipment

    EXCESS NEPTUNE APEX EQUIPMENT ~ one unused DOS ~ $225 ~ one unused EB4 ~ $ 90 ~ two used BOBs ~ $28 @ ~ one used VDM ~ $70 ~ one used Solid Surface Leak Detector ~ $30 (requires an ALD Module) ~ one new 2 Channel Tunze Stream Cable for VDM ~ $20 ~ one used Jebao Jecod Apex Controller...
  10. radiata

    DA Net Module and Expansion Socket

    Digital Aquatics Net Module and Expansion Socket - $90 shipped for both. I purchased the Net Module new, but never put it on-line. I did update the firmware once. I purchased the Expansion Socket new, and never used it. Payment by PayPal is required. I will ship only to a PayPal address in...
  11. radiata

    WTB some Sea Lettuce

    Looking for some Sea Lettuce (Ulva lactuca). Let me know if you have some available or know of a LFS that has some. Would also consider a road trip to the Jersey Shore if you've seen any there... Thanks, Bob
  12. radiata

    WTB Mag3s

    Looking to buy a couple of Danner Mag3 pumps...
  13. radiata

    Digital Aquatics Boatload Sale

    Following DA Reefkeeper Equipment for sale: (A) 1 Reefkeeper Elite - fully functional (B) 2 EB4s - fully functional (C) 2 EB4s - mostly functional - third electronic switch on each can't be trusted (D) 2 SL1s - fully functional (E) 1 SL2 - original DA edition - never upgraded and totally...
  14. radiata

    New microscope lets scientists watch corals as they boogie down

    Article in today's Christian Science Monitor: New microscope lets scientists watch corals as they boogie down
  15. radiata

    Jebao Propeller Pump Reliability?

    Is the Jebao Propeller Pump Reliable? I had a Jebao RW-15 pump die on me a few months ago. I tried a new replacement impeller, but it didn't help. I now have another RW-15 dead in the water, but I haven't removed it from the 180 yet for an attempt at resuscitation. I still have two other...
  16. radiata

    Fish can recognize human faces

    Fish can recognize human faces (and we know because they keep spitting at us)
  17. radiata

    ‘Ancient city’ below the sea was actually built by bacteria...

    This ‘ancient city’ below the sea wasn’t built by humans
  18. radiata

    The Mighty Claw of the Mantis Shrimp Inspires Next-Gen Helmets and Body Armor

  19. radiata

    American Reef & Reptile Expo ?

    Did anyone attend last year's American Reef & Reptile Expo in the NJ Convention & Expo Center in Edison? I missed it. Was it worth going to? The second one is scheduled for Sat, August 13, 2016 - American Reef & Reptile Expos - Welcome It might be anti-climactic after the June...