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Search results

  1. radiata

    Two Tanks - Free to Good Homes

    (1) 33 Long - Same footprint as a standard 55, but only 13 3/8" high. Used as a sump so there are no scratches from rock. Not drilled or partitioned. (2) 36 Breeder - Same footprint as a standard 40 Breeder, but only 13 1/4" high. Drilled for two bulkheads, but these could be easily closed...
  2. radiata

    New DA Float Switches

    Have available three new Digital Aquatics float switches which currently sell for $15.99 each. Specs - select "Single Float Kit" on this page: Float Switch Kit and Float Switch with Bracket(s) Kit Selling all three for $24. Pick up in 07039. PM is key...
  3. radiata

    618 GEO Kalk Reactor

    Purchased used in 8/14 when I elected to start using kalkwasser. But, I subsequently chose to take a different kalk route and thus never put any mileage on it. In great shape --- the original owner, also in NJRC, is the most fastidious reefer I know. Specs & Instructions: Geo's Reef -...
  4. radiata

    Bulk Reef Supply Chemicals

    One unopened gallon container of each of the following BSR chemicals: - Kalkwasser - Mg Cl - Soda Ash Total cost was over $50. Pick up in 07039 for $30. PM is key...
  5. radiata


    Sorry if this has already been discussed... Does the new board have a facility for Private Messages? It looks to me like the "discussions" are less than private. Thanks...
  6. radiata

    Hanna Alkalinity Checker

    For Sale: Hanna Alkalinity Checker - $35 Never used - got two in error. Reagent expiration date is 02/17. Pickup in 07039, or at the 12/19 meeting in 08824. PM me if you want it.
  7. radiata

    Ranco Single Stage Temperature Controller

    For Sale: Ranco Single Stage Temperature Controller - $40 Never used - comes in stock condition without an electrical plug. Bought as a backup for the three I have in operation, but never needed as these things are virtually bulletproof. Pickup in 07039, or at the 12/19 meeting in 08824...
  8. radiata

    Yet Another $1/Gallon Tank Sale Vendor

    Mods --- Please move this to the appropriate forum if this the wrong place for this... I found a reference to a Dollar a Gallon sale at Pet Supplies Plus on a site I frequent for Dart Frog keepers and decided to track it down as I had never heard of the store before. Well, there is one in...
  9. radiata

    WTB: Trio or two of Sailfin Mollies

    Looking to buy a Trio (or two) of (greenish) Sailfin Mollies. Looking for the ones originally created by god, not the human created hybrids like "Dalmations", Black, "lyre-tails", "platinum", "balloon", "Sunset", etc. Willing to provide frags for the person leading me to an...
  10. radiata


    Seen any Berghia Nudibranchs for sale lately? Absolutely Fish frequently has them, but were out today...