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Search results

  1. Ultimate Corals

    Ultimate Corals 1 Day Only Blowout Sale!!!

    These tanks are looking way to full for a Sunday. How about a 1 day sale? Ultra Acan frags $15 (Normally $25) Ultra Frags $25 (Normally $30-$40) Sunburst Rainbow Acan Colony $100 (Normally $200) UC Funhouse Rainbow Acan Colony $200 (Normally $300) Large Bright red gorgonian with blue tips...
  2. Ultimate Corals

    Ultimate Corals Columbus Day Blowout Sale!!!

    Ultimate Corals One Day Blowout Sale!!! These tanks are looking way to full for a Sunday. How about a 1 day sale? Ultra Acan frags $15 (Normally $25) Ultra Frags $25 (Normally $30-$40) Sunburst Rainbow Acan Colony $100 (Normally $200) UC Funhouse Rainbow Acan Colony $200 (Normally $300)...
  3. Ultimate Corals

    Ultimate Corals Garage Sale

    Well with the new year upon us I wanted to get a jump start on cleaning out the garage of some reef keeping goodies that I don't use anymore. I'm going to be updating this thread over the next couple days as I find more and more things. Used Inland DFS-100 ReefKeeper Saw - $150 (Works fine...
  4. Ultimate Corals

    Black Friday Sale EXTENDED!!!

    We had such a great turn out yesterday I am extending the sale until 12/1. Ultimate Corals Black Friday Sale!!!!!! All $5 frags are now (2) for $5!!!! All Ultra Acan Frags {normally $20} - $10 All Ultra Mushrooms {normally $20} - $10 (including rainbow ricordia and rainbow yuma's)...
  5. Ultimate Corals

    Today's delivery includes....

    Today's order is finally in and acclimating.Some of the goodies.... 12 small (2-3inch) ultra maxima clams that are even opening up in the bag, aussie rainbow lobo, some crazy zoas and mushrooms, a gorgeous green modern coral, some of the craziest montipora I've ever seen, and even a multi mouth...
  6. Ultimate Corals

    Some pics of today's order

    Some new goodies came in today including a large jawbreaker mushroom, cherry mint chocolate chip favia, rainbow platygyra, some really cool lunar eclipse morphs, and some sweet looking armageddon palys.
  7. Ultimate Corals

    Black Friday Sale

    Details to follow.....
  8. Ultimate Corals

    Rainbow Acan Frags Available

    Well I did it....I fragged up my famous fun house rainbow acan colony. I am only releasing 6 multihead frags. Approx 4+ heads each frag. These are going to be $100 per frag. If you were at the DVRC swap you saw how amazing this colony looked.
  9. Ultimate Corals

    Today's delivery

    After much fun with FedEx the order is in the tanks and looking great.
  10. Ultimate Corals

    DVRC Swap Pre Order

    With less than 24 hours to the swap we are starting to pack everything up. How about this anyone who pre orders and pays will receive 10% off. Your item(s) will be bagged up and labeled for you to pick up at the swap. Now is a great time to save on some of the high end goodies including rainbow...
  11. Ultimate Corals

    DVRC Swap

    Only about a week and a half away and things are getting pretty exciting over here. We will be there proudly with about 150-200 frags of some crazy stuff. So who's coming? :)
  12. Ultimate Corals

    Coming in tomorrow

    Some goodies coming in tomorrow Ultra Acans Rainbow Acans Icefire Acro Echinata Lg. Vietnam Zoa rocks (very bright zoas) And for our high end mushroom collectors out there I'm getting in some jaw breaker mushrooms and red devil mushrooms.
  13. Ultimate Corals

    We now carry LRS foods

    Good news. We are now a direct dealer with LRS foods. I've personally tried this in my tanks and the feeding response was crazy. Come on by for a free sample of Reef Frenzy while supplies last. Here is a little more information on the food. http://www.larrysreefservices.com/PREMIUM_FOOD.php...
  14. Ultimate Corals

    Weekend Sale

    Prices good 11/1-11/3 ***Special*** Zoa and mushroom colony rocks - $40 (3-6" each with tons of polyps) $30 Ultra frags or 2 for $50 (crazy chalices, rainbow montis, rainbow yumas, super bright favias, just to name a few) Ultra SPS frags - $25 (These are nice size frags of Acro's...
  15. Ultimate Corals

    Free red sea salt

    My supplier sent me the wrong salt and I now have a bucket of red sea salt (blue bucket). Full bucket necer used. Come and get it Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk 2
  16. Ultimate Corals

    Ultra Zoa's and Palys now instock

    Well I got a special delivery today of some really nice zoa's and paly's including the "Spectrum Overdose Paly". If you've never seen them before they are an amazing new release of a Bowser morph. Some of the other goodies that came in Candy Apple Reds Sunrise Surukins Ultimate Corals Black...
  17. Ultimate Corals

    Today's delivery includes....

    Neon Green Bubble Coral Octospawn Neon Green Clove Polyps XLG Elegance with Purple Tips Toxic Spill Hammers Bi-Color Hammers Red Gonipora Pink/Peach Alvepora "RARE" Here's a quick cell phone video of the tanks after today's order https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvAwo_uTaUs
  18. Ultimate Corals

    Weekend Blowout Sale

    All Ultra Acan frags $10 (most between 3-8 heads) All Ultra frags $20 (chalices, favias, gonipora, etc..) Large Premium Zoa rocks $30 SPS Pack 4 frags for $100
  19. Ultimate Corals

    New SPS instock

    Superman Monti Superman Monti Purple Haze Monti Passion Peach Milli
  20. Ultimate Corals

    One Day Only Sale!!!

    10/20 ONLY!!! All Ultra Acan frags $10 (most between 3-8 heads) All Ultra frags $20 (chalices, favias, gonipora, etc..) Large Premium Zoa rocks $30 You don't want to miss out on this