Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
As some of you may have heard we are actually expanding. This weekend 2 more 80 gallon frag tanks are being added. This will give us the opportunity to bring in even more of the corals you all love. With this our hours will also be changing (For the better). We will now be open...
Huge Sale
Thursday and Friday only!!!!!!
Zoa frags are all Buy 1 Get 1 FREE!!
All ultra frags are Buy 1 Get 1 Free!!!!
Large Zoa/Paly colony rocks $50 (most have 100+ polyps on them)
Scolys $80
Rainbow Mini Maxi Anenommes $30
Large blue tip elegance $80
Neon green plate $30
Acan frags $15...
Used Reefkeeper Lite with NET controller system for sale $250. It includes
1 x RKL Head Unit
2 x PC4 - Power Controller 4
1 x SL1 - System Lab 1
1 x NET - NET Interface Module
1 x DA iTemp Temperature Probe
1 x pH Probe
1 x SID - System Interface Device...
7/19 - 7/21
Large Bonded Platinum Clown fish pair - $150 (Laying eggs very soon)
Bonded Black Ice Clown fish pair - $150
Tons of scoly's instock!!
All Zoa frags - $5 (Some of the gems in there are Fire & Ice, Miami Vice, AOG's, Green eggs and ham, and tons of other cool ones I don't...
People like this are the reason activist groups keep trying to push legislation to stop the the import/export of fish and coral.
What a schmuck.....
Expecting 3-4 boxes of high end Aussie and Indo corals. Including some more killer scolys.
Also wanted to try something new so I'm bringing in (1) Pair of Black Ice clowns and (1) Pair of Platinum clowns.
One Day ONLY
Ultra Scolys - $80 (Some real nice bleeding apples left)
All Zoa frags - $5 (Some of the gems in there are Fire & Ice, Miami Vice, AOG's, Green eggs and ham, and tons of other cool ones I don't remember the name)
All Mushroom frags - $5 (Orange Flame, Toxic...
Prices good till 7/7
As a small thank you for the excellent work they do we will be offering all active and inactive military a special buy one frag get one free this weekend.
And now on to the SALE!!
$10 frags or 3 for $25 (really nice zoas, duncans, hairy mushrooms...
As a small thank you for the excellent work they do we will be offering all active and inactive military a special buy one frag get one free this weekend.
So far about 70 pounds of corals are on the way to us for tomorrow. Including
Acropora-Ultra-Special Supplier-Small
Acropora-Cultured-Assorted Ultra Colors-Small-Fiji
Elegance-Cone Bottom-Ultra Neon W/ Colored Tips-Small-Aussie
Frogspawn-Neon Green W/ Purple Tips-Large-Indo
We will be closed from 6/28-6/30 while I make the pilgramige to go cherry pick some of the nicest corals you've ever seen. Be sure to message me with your wish lists.
Prices good till 6/23
$10 frags or 3 for $25 (really nice zoas, duncans, hairy mushrooms, rhodactis mushrooms, etc....)
$30 Ultra frags or 3 for $75 (crazy chalices, rainbow montis, rainbow yumas, super bright favias, just to name a few)
$100 ANY scoly...
For all our friends that couldn't make it out to the NJRC swap I'm going to extend the swap pricing till 6/23 so don't miss out
$10 frags or 3 for $25 (really nice zoas, duncans, hairy mushrooms, rhodactis mushrooms, etc....)
$30 Ultra frags or 3 for $75 (crazy chalices, rainbow montis...
Placing my final orders for the swap today. If you're looking for anything specific let me know and I'll put it on the orders if I don't have it already.
I'm extending the sale until 6/9. We will be closed from 6/10-6/14 while we prepare for the NJ Reefers Frag Swap.
All Zoas frags - $10. (Some of the gems in there are Fire & Ice, Miami Vice, AOG's, Green eggs and ham, and tons of other cool ones I don't remember the name.
Ultra Blasto...
Weekend Blowout Sale
Prices good from 5/31-6/2
All Zoas frags - $10. (Some of the gems in there are Fire & Ice, Miami Vice, AOG's, Green eggs and ham, and tons of other cool ones I don't remember the name.
Ultra Blasto Wellsi - $10 per head
All mushroom frags - $10 (Orange Flame, Toxic...