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40 Breeder Display/40 Breeder Sump

Cone skimmer go with the SWC 120, I have it on my 45 cube and love it. I asked over on reefcentral here are the responses I got:


thats funny i actually have been thinking about that cone, well that or the SWC-160. after i do alittle more reading i might follow through with one of these options.

now as for lighting im thinking the amazon LEDs. originally i was just going to throw a nova extreme pro in there and call it a day. then i thought why not another icecap ( until i learned they went under, but could always get one used ) or a hellolights retro.
my canopy size will allow me to use just about any light i wish (thats 3 feet in length ) but as of now im thinking either the LEDs or the hellolights. ive even considered the LEDs with 2 strips of t5s.

plenty of time while i shake the money tree.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Dnov99 put up T5s along with his leds to run ati purple plus bulbs, adds to the red spectrum that the leds don't, makes your fish look really nice.

i got my first cone.

and in less then 10 minutes i see awesome bubble production...

slowly starting to gain some color

however been running lights out due to un-wanted, un-focused algae in center of this picture

heres another shot of it from the inside along the glass, which i havnt cleaned yet since my cycle


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
Just wait until it breaks in, this thing is a beast. Is that the 120 or 160?
i went with the 120 to fit my sump but originally wanted the 160. its most def. a sweet skimmer and i love how quiet it is and my stand doesnt even have doors on yet.
main lights have been out and algae seems to be on its way out.

2 of 3

1 of 2

the 2 clarkii clowns are in the refugium section of my sump. my goal is to see eggs within the next 5 years. only time will tell.

added eggcrate lid to the sump, may eventually do screen or netting.


NJRC Member
Love the Sexys!! I have a trio in my tank (male and 2 females) and they are awesome. I am hoping for another 2 or so in my new tank.


NJRC Member
Same for me. I love my shrimp! Thinking of going with a couple more Harlequins too. Just the thought of feeding all of them (I already have 2) is a bit daunting though. Sexys are much easier and almost as cool. Even if I would never raise them it would be cool to get some breeding going.
its been long enough since i have updated.

i added 2 allardi clowns to the display. 11/3/11

about a week and a half later i came home to a dead male clarkii in my sump ( not to be confused with the allardis, which are still swimming strong today ) unfortunately i didnt QT either set of clowns, which is a stupid move when you know better. i dont know if the new allardis introduced an unfamiliar disease to the clarkii but all fish looked and swam healthy before adding ( which ultimately can really mean nothing )
i lean more towards the female clarkii attacking the male. it didnt have much of anything to hide in. i used to have the scolly skeleton by the back left corner and a few days before the male clarkii died he was hiding out between that and the glass. the GF wouldnt shut up about moving the rock so what do i do? move the rock to show her hes alright and he swims away, but i didnt put it back where it was and thus he lost his one and only hiding spot. it may have been the same day as that, if not the next one when i found the male clown over the divider in the sump, not realizing that was his attempt to get away from the female i net him and put him back on his side. i found him again on the other side of the wall the following day so i net him again and install eggcrate grids on both intake wall ( back right corner of refugium, the small area the clown kept going ) and the wall overflowing to the return pump section. the following day i came home to a dead male clarkii clownfish. i can only assume he had no escape and was killed by the female. sorry if that was long winded, i just hate losing a fish.

so now i am left with one female clarkii in the sump. anyone want a female clarkii? lol


female allardi

male allardi

toadstool, also added GSP, green zoanthids, green candy cane

and aiptasia, i added aptasia lol.

now i dont know what i should do for lights. i think either a china knock off dimmable LED fixture ( maybe with 1 or 2 t5s ) -OR- 6 t5 bulbs (already have icecap 660s ) anyone have any thoughts? LED suggestions?
i should have atleast bet lunch on this.

pile of sand poop nuggets, pure evidence my cucumber ( which can barely be seen at the top right of his pile ) is a sand shifting cucumber.

a bunch of corals have been added

another reef keeper added

micro/macro NLS food im giving a whirl, i really like it so far.

i ordered 1 china knock off LED, should be here in the next few days.
Tank looks great Jon, I love the sexy shrimp! I have 4 of them in our 12g along with bumble bee shrimp and anem shrimp.
thanks guys.

the sexy shrimp are great and im thinking about eventually getting a large group of them. i ordered a knock off LED about a week ago and it came in yesterday. not a dimable fixture but i really like it. the blues create some awesome coral colors. im thinking i will add 2 DIY t5 strips in my hood along with the LEDs. hopefully some pictures soon.