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40 Breeder Display/40 Breeder Sump

heres some green zoanthids that were under the 2 bulb t5 unit i had, the light was yellow apearing.

need to play around more with the white balance but here they are under the blue LEDs


both white and blue LEDs

i got my bulbs in and without having to go to the store i mounted my standoffs to a piece of PVC. not how i invisioned things but it worked out, i drilled a hole in the back to run the wiring through it. i went with one fiji pink and one ATI true blue. anyways, pictures.




Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Jon, corals and lights look good. The LED fixture looks awfully close to the water. Are you getting good light spread with the light that close?
Very nice. I got a 75g fresh water tank and a spare 40 breeder just screaming at me to make a reef tank out of it. Funny thing is I but the 40 breeder 1st but then got the whole 75g tank and stand for a steal from my uncle so the 40 has been sitting for a year. How much was the light and skimmer you used? I was thinking about going all hob with an aqua c remora and aquafuge but think i'm leaning more towards a full sump and fuge.
Jon, corals and lights look good. The LED fixture looks awfully close to the water. Are you getting good light spread with the light that close?

thanks, the colors of that hairy mushroom under my lighting is unreal. the green center is like plasma. the light is not as spread as it could be but the entire tank does get lit with just LEDs. now with the full 36'' bulbs the length of the tank is lit well but i only have the t5s come on at the peak of the day.
this may change but my lighting schedule;
10:00am Blue LEDs on
12:00pm White LEDs on
2:00pm T5s on
6:30pm T5s off
8:00pm White LEDs off
10:00pm Blue LEDs off

i eventually want to rig some sort of moonlight or single LED to come on for an hour or two after all lights off as well. pictures dont really show it but the 2 extra t5 bulbs really add in a nice color.

@chillwill you can shop around for the best prices, its a SWC120 skimmer and ebay "reef LEDs"