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Hey all, just looking for some advice...

Ive been getting mixed answers about this and would like a 3rd source... is it possible to have an anemone in my setup:
29gal tank w/ 130w JBJ PC light, 1 10k daylight 1 actinic bulbs
not a clue how much liverock but its got to be over like 55-60lbs (thanks billy)
got a bit of a cleanup crew and 2 clowns in there now, and 2 100gps powerheads flowing left with a 130gph oscelating one flowing right...

some say yeah but it will barely live and i will need to spot feed every other day and others say it will be fine... J/w if its possible and if so what types can i have. Thanks!
the size of the tank doesnt really bother me its jsut that i want to make sure that the lighting will be enough. the LFS told me it was fine adna guy showed me his under PC lights, but SWF always tells everyone GO BUY T5 OR 3215457$ lights, and i CANT lol
the light you have is good for the anenome thats not a problem , you feed them every 2 days , plus they also eat from when you feed the tank ,and also is better getting a tank raised anenomee becase the chances of surviving are a lot better .
Anxiously watching this thread.... I'm thinking of adding one in a few months...

maybe one day I'll break down and get a fish too ::)
gonna start posting at 11 from now on... definitely faster then 2 days waiting on that other place ::)

also how long would you say your tank should be established before adding an anemone or does it not matter... right now i have mad diatoms because i don't have Ro water :( should i wait for them to die down or is it fine?
Xavier613 said:
Thanks for the fast replys... any suggestions on a good start-off anemone?

A condylactis can be pretty and very inexpensive, but they tend to be fish-eaters (though that did not stop my maroon clown from forcing it to be it's host). I would suggest instead of a hard-to-keep specimen caught from the wild, that perhaps you ask for a "clone" of an existing anemone. One such specimen on this forum that is traded a lot is the Rose Bubble Tentacled Anemone (most people just call it an RBTA). Check the fs/ft forum. I'm not sure if camz is still in the market of selling these...maybe pm him.

Xavier613 said:
also how long would you say your tank should be established before adding an anemone or does it not matter... right now i have mad diatoms because i don't have Ro water :( should i wait for them to die down or is it fine?

Definitely wait a bit for the tank params to stabilize...you'll do the nem a favor. If it doesn't like the water params, unlike a plant, an anemone is a living animal (however primative) and will up and move around. That reminds me - if you have a Powerhead - make sure it is not near the nem or wrap the intake of the PH with some kind of floss/filter.
the rotating powerhead has a prefilter, the first stationary in the back has an adapter with a rubber cover that is in an L shape from the actual intake so i dont think those are problems and the other is in the front top right and isnt really powerful enough to suck anything in but will look into covering it.

any clue how long to wait? patience isa virtue i lack but if i know i can deal hahaha
LOL. I totally understand...but unfortunately you've set your sights on the one invert that is rather sensitive to water chemistry and I'd definitely wait until the bloom is over and your tank becomes more "second nature" to you rather than the "lemme go grab all the test kits and check everything phase".

The old adage in this hobby is "nothing good happens fast". Tis all too true.

how long has your tank been up?
i would say the tank has been up for about a month and a half or 2 months... i think the diatom bloom may have been from upgrading light from 50/50 NO to 130w PC light because it got pretty severe after that... any suggestions on ending it anytime soon or should i try to buy some ro water for water changes and wait it out

im learning haha 2 jobs and school helps me not think about it as much so hopefully i wont do anything too hastily :D thanks a ton for the advice guys

heres a FTS and as you can see the top left rock is completely brown haha... even noticable with only actinic on. :p
don't worry about the 'toms...they will disappear as soon as they appeared...*with patience* ;).

every tank is different but certainly would be best to wait since the tank is only a month or two old. Again- i'm not the expert on nems.

I know $$$ is one factor for you - definitely think about signing up as a member - we have a great club here and most anyone will help out (whether or not you are a member) - but the nice part is we have quite a few sponsors that give us discounts and on top of all that you'll be able to join our group buys.
or should i try to buy some ro water for water changes and wait it out

Quite honestly...I wouldn't personally dream of having a nem unless I used RO and my tank was bare minimum 6-8 months old...and depending on the nem, would wait 1 year...

I've done the 'tap water' gig a LOOOOOONG time ago, and having learned my lesson with that, I'd never use anything BUT RO in a tank. I'm so retentive, when I wipe down near my tank (lights/glass) I use RO. I clean my vials in RO. I rinse my salt mix buckets and clean them with RO. I have RO-OCD

The old addage...garbage in, garbage out... Definitely switch to RO for both weekly water changes as well as top offs...and call the water company and tell them you don't need their services any longer. You're switching to RO! ;D

Well, that might be a bit extreme
I agree you have to switch to RO water. ASAP. I would do very diligent water changes to help clean out the crap.
I had one early bad experience about the same time in my tank life as you, I killed a GBTA :-[ :'(. It roamed around and finally it died. You did the right thing by asking questions. Good job.
Second join NJRC pronto.
Then take a look at the group buy this month at reeftopia. They have a flower anemone that as a starter anemone is pretty cheap, hardy, and mine is pretty cool looking. I got mine and it gets some dry food and I feed it krill. It has grown and is happy(stable and growing). My clown doesn't host it but he is retarded and doesn't try to host anything.
Good luck.
ahhaa yeah... i'll probably join once i get ahold of my moms paypal (17 so legally i cant have my own) i was at the meeting at billys february seeing as i live next door to him haha and it was pretty fun.
I can't speak for billy but I imagine if you passed cash to one of the board members that could work too.

I wish I was as smart as you are at 17! Geez at 17 I think I was putting in a state of the art 5 1/4 floppy disk into the apple 2 and hoping to read the next zork passage.
hahaha what are those? ??? J/k

Yeah i try to keep my stuff organized so i can do things like start a reef tank lol and next time i see billy ill ask him about it. Dont see why it would be a problem :)

Btw, any clue where to buy RO water around here?