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got bored today :-X
i was planning on getting a nem later on down the road for my 180g that i started about 6 weeks ago, but when i recv my final shipment of LR from Richard at Tampa Bay Saltwater yesterday, he included six nems! 2 white condy's, 2 blue condy's, and two green nems (not sure what kind). water conditions of my tank are stable, but b/c i added 90 more ponds of LR yesterday I am worried about a mini-cycle. none the less, i am keeping a close eye on my water parameters and all 6 appear to be doing fine so far. i drip acclimated them for about 4 hours last night before putting them in. the one large white condy is right in the front center of the tank. he will be easy to feed. one small blue condy is up on a piece of LR but also in the center. the larger blue condy and the other white condy have moved around a little bit, and now no hanging out in the back under some LR out of plain view. which would probably bother me if it wasnt for the others being right out in the open. one of the green ones in rigt out in front as well, while the other is hiding in a cave that is only visible from the side, which doesnt help much b/c the tank is built into the wall. i will post some pics later! i really hope these guys make it through ok, they are very cool! i am planning on getting some shrimp from the grocery store to cut up and hand feed them small bits!
if you are going to add a anenomee in the tank , you should wait at least 3 months let your tank mature a little bit and then you can do it .
Xavier613 - anemones of the same species have no issue at all together. You realize they do clone/spawn off and then suddenly you can have more than one anemone in the tank. All patriots are condylactis species from the carribean. Typically they are not known to host pacific clownfish. I say typically because anything is possible in a glass cage - but not done in nature.
Patriot76 said:
are there any clowns that would typically host a condy?

As Clownfish are from the Pacific and Condys are from the Atlantic - I would typically say no. I am saying this to avoid the inevitable person who comes upon this thread later and says -oh a condy can host nemo - let me go and buy the two. I'll post a more detailed response on your tale of the tank.
Phil you are correct clowns can host condys but it is extreme poor judgement because at some point the clown will become a meal. Anything is possible in our cubes as you said phil

Its garunteed.

Clowns are not native to atlantic water and the sticky coating on a condy is not the same as clowns are used too. It may work for a little while but if your clown gets a scrap or exposed scales with no slime coat your SOL.

Wait some time and get a BTA.
yeap...condys are fish eaters / shellfish eaters.

clowns are in the indian, pacific and red seas. At least until someone decides lionfish aren't good enough an invasive species in the atlantic... ::) :p :-\
Patriot76 said:
so there no clowns native to the atlantic? so condy's dont host any clowns in nature?

Condys can host anemone shrimp but its a gamble.

Coolest thing to see off the jersey shore a percula clown hosting in an atlantic carpet.
ok, thanks for the insight. i have a couple other small anemomes that came with TBS shipment yesterday, i'll have to find out there species. but again, they are from the atlantic so..........
ReeferNets said:
Condys can host anemone shrimp but its a gamble.

Coolest thing to see off the jersey shore a percula clown hosting in an atlantic carpet.

so you saw a clown in the atlantic? I guess anything is possible these days.
Sorry about that phil it would have been the coolest thing to see that one day and consider it an invasive species. LOL

most likely theyre aptasia anemones or majano - pest anemones
Xavier613 said:
Btw, any clue where to buy RO water around here?

In Living Color Reef - Near 70/73 circle (not sure if they do, but I'd check)
Aquarium Center in Blackwood - I know they do sell it.
Yeah i hit up ILC on my way to my friends house yesterday and got a couple gallons... 50 cents a gallon but ya gotta bring own container which i didn't have lol... had to drive back and get some gallon jugs :p
Xavier613 said:
50 cents a gallon but ya gotta bring own container

man that is going to get old real quick. RO/DI units have come down a lot i n price, it will pay for itself before you know it, compared to 50 cents a gallon that is.

but my advice on a RO/DI unit would be buy a good one! otherwise, like everything else in this hobby, you'll end up replacing it later on down the road.