• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.


the way i look at it, for a 30gal tank doing a 5g water change a week it will take around 2 years ish to pay for itself... maybe later on in the hobby i will but not just yet
hehe - actually according to my calculations - it's 60 weeks.

$150 for a RO/DI
divided by .50 =

300 gallons worth of water for $150.

At a rate of 5g change a week, 300gallons gets you to about 60 weeks worth.

after that you'll only need to maintain the RO/DI...

Although I did not factor in the cost of water from your local utility. ;) On the other hand $150 gets you the nicer model RODI with the switches and what not. At least that's what I got...(still have to go to mike's place to pick up).
ReeferNets said:
xavier you should try ebay and or our next Air water ice group buy.

Water general is the ebay one most of us have

If you go with our sponsor AWI (that's what I got -the typhoon rodi) - you'll have to sign up to be a member first. Definitely consider it! I think there are a lot of other folks with smaller tanks than you who think the membership is worth it...speak up people!!!
The membership it really worth it agree 100%!!!!!

But I personally just go with the salt water from Trop. I go pick up my salt water put the heater in and I am good to go. Lazy arse obviously but effort for 5 gallons and my time at this point it is not worth it. If I get a 90-120 gallon tank like I hope to one of these years then I will make my own.