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August 2018 Monthly Meeting

August 2018 Monthly Meeting
Mark_C's Hourse
Saturday, August 18, 2018 - 12:00 PM
Until: Saturday, August 18, 2018 - 05:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


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Relic Turtle, How far are you from the GSP? I am North of you. Depending on how it plays out, could catch you on the way?

Mark, I would like both the 4 & 7 head Rastas.

I wish I could go I totally would like to hang out and pick up those corals stunner and green nepthea is basicly the last to the puzzle lol but I haven't a van nor could get a ride oh well *sigh* if I can get to petco today I consider that a win. Lol I need more water conditioner

6 head BIG Sunny D. - $20
4 head Rasta. - $10
7 head Rasta. - $20
12 head Rasta - $30
4 head Blow Pop - $15
A Reef Octo Space Saver 110 in minty condition - $100
2 Generic float ATO units (floats and controller, supply own pump) One unit never used, 1 used for 6 months - worked fantastic - $25 each
CPR Small Hang on Refugium with pump - $50
Finnex hang on Refugium with FugeRAY LED - $20 (this is a cheato growing monster)
6 head BIG Sunny D. - $20
4 head Rasta. - $10
7 head Rasta. - $20
12 head Rasta - $30
4 head Blow Pop - $15
A Reef Octo Space Saver 110 in minty condition - $100
2 Generic float ATO units (floats and controller, supply own pump) One unit never used, 1 used for 6 months - worked fantastic - $25 each
CPR Small Hang on Refugium with pump - $50
Finnex hang on Refugium with FugeRAY LED - $20 (this is a cheato growing monster)
Hey Mark - I will take the 6 head big sunny D and the 4 head blow pop and any of the rasta if they are not already claimed. I will also take one of the generic float ATO units please! I will pick up at the meeting. Also my cheato is growing out of control so if anyone needs any I can bring 2-3 jars to the meeting for free.
Hey Mark - I will take the 6 head big sunny D and the 4 head blow pop and any of the rasta if they are not already claimed. I will also take one of the generic float ATO units please! I will pick up at the meeting. Also my cheato is growing out of control so if anyone needs any I can bring 2-3 jars to the meeting for free.
will take as much as you can spare Mike on the cheato thanks


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6 head BIG Sunny D. - $20 (Fishy)
4 head Rasta. - $10 (Eric)
7 head Rasta. - $20 (Eric)
12 head Rasta - $30 (Dave)
4 head Blow Pop - $15 (Fishy)

3 head sunny D - $10
A Reef Octo Space Saver 110 in minty condition - $100
1 Generic float ATO units (floats and controller, supply own pump) never used - $25 (Fishy)
1 Generic float ATO units (floats and controller, supply own pump) mild use - $25
CPR Small Hang on Refugium with pump - $50
Finnex hang on Refugium with FugeRAY LED and pump - $20 (this is a cheato growing monster)

diana a

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I just rsvp'd. I will be attending but I am not bring my tribe of kids:D


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Special online group buy being is organized via Pieces of the Ocean.
Kenny’s frags are generius and top quality. He’ll be uploading a number of special items on his site and will be supplying a special NJRC buyers code for discounts.
All orders will be shipped to Aug meet free of charge.
Going to be a short sale of approximately a weeks duration.
I have the following for sale:
1) Classic Reef Octopus HOB Skimmer - $75
2) HOB nano skimmer - $10
3) Current LED light strip - $20
4) Green Nepthea - $10 per stalk, not sure how many I plan to cut. They will be cut the morning of the meeting. Therefore you need to mount the frag. Let me know in advance of interested so I can get a count.
5) Will also bring some frags of the Hollywood stunner coral

I will take a stalk of the Green Nepthea if still available!


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Still available...
3 head sunny D - $10
A Reef Octo Space Saver 110 in minty condition - $100
1 Generic float ATO units (floats and controller, supply own pump) mild use - $25
CPR Small Hang on Refugium with pump - $50
Finnex hang on Refugium with FugeRAY LED and pump - $20 (this is a cheato growing monster)

And add this (I LOVE these things)...
Tunze 6040, new in box, never hit water - $110
Tunze NanoStream 6040 Review: the most features packed inside the smallest controllable pump Companies, Gear, Marquee Medium, Pumps, Reviews, Tunze Reef Builders | The Reef and Marine Aquarium Blog


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Bump for a great meeting!

Folks, please remember to RSVP. This helps the gracious host plan accordingly.


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If cheato is needed I have 2-3 softball sized chunks I can pass out as well.
Also think the white worms are a bit more stable post heatwave. I'll pick up some containers and dirt and hand a starter out to anyone interested at meet.

And go support the group buy! I've already done my zoas.
Hey so I am a non paid member can I still come? If so, I may be able to bring something for the raffle, granted the wife is ok with me coming. My wife and I have a small crafting business (well its more her's I just use her material to make stuff for barter) , we have done a lot of the give-a-ways for Mark @ ultimate corals. I was thinking a shirt like this? Just would need a good size to make it in for the give away, since we are all not the same size.... Can also customize it any way for the club.. Would be a 11 inch design on the back with the brittle star and a small logo of the tang police on the front. Also, the brittle star and tang glow under reef lights.35079493_745405712516671_1275254147565748224_o.jpg 34909190_745405545850021_1129475900908240896_o.jpg
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