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August 2018 Monthly Meeting

August 2018 Monthly Meeting
Mark_C's Hourse
Saturday, August 18, 2018 - 12:00 PM
Until: Saturday, August 18, 2018 - 05:00 PM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: America/New_York

This event has expired and has no upcoming dates


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member

I'm tempted with those clams as well. $60 delivered is got me seriously considering.
The chicken pox and yellow fever mushroom also have me borderline button hit.
I already bought the Jason Fox Fairytale Zoa frag.

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diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
What are the requirements for a clam? What do they eat? Do they go in a sand bed or on the rocks?
Clams filter feed and use zooxanthellae to feed themselves like corals do. Maxima clams like the rocks and Derasa like the sand. Maxima clams need more light then derasa clams do. Clams under 3 inches are a little harder to keep and don't ship well when you're looking to get a clam you want something bigger than 3 inches they are a little more hardier.
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diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
That means I can only have Maxima since my tank is bb. Don't know if my Chinese black boxes are strong enough
I had two quahog clams living in my tank for over a year, then I started on corals.. water conditions got too clean and they died lol.. kind of ironic.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
If I had time this week, and I had seen that article, I would have been in that lot in my Jeep trying to break it.

We did have a bit of water, nothing much. The community just around the corner got hit hard. Roads around it are still closed.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I've got one 4' table for sale items. If anyone has an additional table they can bring, would be appreciated.

Will set up a big tent in the yard for the kids to play in (think its gonna be hot).

Providing trays of Bistro Chicken, Meatballs in marinara, Vodka Penne, Burgers, Dogs, Snappers.
Chips and snacks. Juice boxes for the kids.
A dozen or so sodas and iced tea, bottled water.
May do a big pot of Chili Friday night if time. Scratch that, will do a big pot of chili.
Manhattans, martinis (gin), wine, and whatever case of beer I pick up are available for the kids.

Feel free to bring anything you like.


NJRC Member
Sure thing Dave.
These are free as I got my frag from Juan for free so not comfortable selling.
There will be a few anyway.
One Stunner frag goes to MikeM and now you.
One Nepthea frag goes to MikeM and you.

So it looks way less likely that I’m going to attend. I can catch up with you another day for the frags, or pass them along to another member.


NJRC Member
Me too! My sister and her family were going to visit for this weekend from Florida, but something came up. That’s when I RSVP’d. A couple days ago we found out the plans were back on, such is life in my family :)... so if the girls decide to do something on Saturday, I’m gonna grab the fellas and show up for a couple hours.

I did get to meet Mike and his family today. He’s a cool guy and I loved his reef. Hopefully I’ll be able to break away for a bit and show up.



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Hey Mark - I will take the 6 head big sunny D and the 4 head blow pop and any of the rasta if they are not already claimed. I will also take one of the generic float ATO units please! I will pick up at the meeting. Also my cheato is growing out of control so if anyone needs any I can bring 2-3 jars to the meeting for free.

I could use some
Thank you


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have some Jason Fox alien eye chalice I can frag just about any size.
I have purple digitata I can frag just about any size.
I also have green cap that I can frag.
Also Green branching Acro I can frag any size.
Price will depend on size. You will not be disappointed.