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Dan's 150 Rebuild

Oh and you will want some unions on the return line so you can take it apart easily and clean the pump. Otherwise you will have to cut to remove the pump.


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And if I do flex section instead of that 90° can I just hook the flex right up to the PVC or do I have to get barbed connectors?

The flex pvc goes right into standard pvc fittings. but I would still do hard plumb prior to connecting to the manifold. Essenitally, just do the turn into hard piping then the manifold.
No I was gonna do that, I meant does flex PVC fit right over top of PVC or do I need to attach a barb connector in order for it to work


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no it actually goes into the pvc fitting like hard pipe. You just need to hold it tight in place for a few mins while the glue dries


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What PVC fitting? I'm confused Lol

the pvc "spaflex flex tubing" can go into all PVC fittings like 45's and 90's just like a hard pipe can. Ill take pics of my setup when i get home. if you want pics
What PVC fitting? I'm confused Lol

Flex PVC is the same as pipe as size goes so you treat it just like rigid PVC. Same glue and inserts to regular old PVC fittings. So going from flex to hard PVC you would use a coupling ( or 90 or 45 )

Yes the hole works. My oceanic came that way from the factory. Probably only 1/16" diameter hole but as soon as the pump kicks off the gravity starts pulling water back into the sump, instead of pulling more water from the tank it sucks air from the hole breaking the syphon. You drill on the bottom of the tee over the tank so when the pump is active the water pisses back into the tank. Mine is on the bottom of a 90 before it adapts to the loc line.

Those are your overflows! I am an idiot! In that case you don't need check valves at all. The water won't run back up the pipe and into the overflow so you are good.


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No.... don't try that!!!!!!!!! it wont end well LOL ... u need a connection
Don't know about the depot. Those prices on that flexpvc website is off the charts. Everything is about half the price of depot.
This is true Lol I was gonna head over my dads tomorrow to finish up the canopy but now with the snow, don't know if I'll be able to