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Dan's 150 Rebuild

Thanks Doug, yeah it really stinks, but he actually got up and is swimming around now that the lights r out so maybe he is okay? I dunno, guess I'll see in the morning
Ignore the directions on the Box.

Dose 1/4tsp (4 of th 1/8th tsp) that they give you) per 10 Gallons in your tank.

So why dose 1/4tsp per 10g if the box states to do 1/8th per 10g?

I plan on dosing first thing tomorrow morning to get my schedule right and make sure I have a full day to count towards the "14".
Well I couldn't wait, I dosed going by the directions. My PBT is face down on the sand breathing very heavy, won't be long now unless this medication helps instantly :/


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Try a freshwater dip to help the PBT asap.. Hope its not too late
Sorry man I've been swamped at work

Fish Disease Treatment: For small aquariums: Use 1/4 teaspoon per 10 gallons of water. Treat every 24 hrs. with a 25% water change before each treatment.

For large aquariums (above 50 gallons), ponds and central systems: Treat one time and leave in the water for 7 days.

You are following the large tank treatment. This is the treatment I followed both verbally and via the website from the doc's at National Fish Pharmaceuticals (the ppl who provide the meds you bought)
Okay, I just wanna make sure I got this right bc it doesn't say anywhere on there about big or small aquariums. Just sounds like 76tsp of this stuff for one dosing is too much. I dunno something just isn't adding up I guess
Sobo's Reef said:
No I hear us on the teaspoon(the one they gave me, but that's still 76 teaspoons. Lol that means I'll have to go out and buy another just to do the second treatment right?

NO why? The Spoon they gave you is a 1/8tsp

1/4tsp is PER 10 Gallons you have 150 + 40 Gallons sump of which maybe 30 Gallons is actually full so you have

180 Gallons of Water. (this is a fair estimate not taking into account water displacement by your rock etc.)

180 Divided by 10 Gallons is 18. (thats 18 1/4 teaspoons) - there are 3 teaspoons in 1 tablespoon.
18 Divided by 3 is 6 - you need to mix and add 6 Table Spoons of medication for your volume and leave it in for 7 days.

Unless they changed the packaging the spoon they give you is a conservative 1/8tsp measurement. Make sure you LEVEL the spoon when you add it.
Okay wow, and my gf is the math teacher Lol okay well I just did 19teaspoons into the tank this morning so that's good. Don't ask me how I got my numbers Lol

But good, I just wanna make sure I was doing it right.

PS. I may or may not be selling all of my corals to fund for my new stock down the line. Figure I'll probably rescape again since everything is out other than the fish. Stay tuned.
Just fed them, my Christmas wrasse looks unphased by everything, my trigger has developed a good case of specks and so has the yellow tang. Clownfish are okay I guess, not eating much, chromis is looking okay. My one dottyback is hovering around, may be on its last leg. Green clown goby and watchman goby seem to be okay. Haven't seen my red coris wrasse tho. PBT is the wedged behind a rock, probably dead