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Dan's 150 Rebuild

I always have more than 1 heater in my . I know you have the 300 now but if it ever dies get 2 150w ones that way you are safe. also I always skip the pvc primer. I think leaving it out makes it look much cleaner
Depending on what day the move is. Would anyone be willing to help me out? Probably won't need a ton of people but it'd just be easier for the transfer of content from the 90 to 150

Depending on what day I can help. How many flights if steps are involved???!!??
Haha. Well its just the flight of stairs leaving the apartment. New tank will be on the first floor of the townhouse so that's a + lol
I'm in Saturdays are good for me or Monday thru Friday after 5:30 I can also handle the stairs lol
Im in too. For transfrring the water. just place the containers below your window. In a truck preferably for transport. Then stick a hose out the window and fill em up. Its a long drop but a 100FT hose should work. just an idea. i have a 50 gal. rain water barrel i can bring along if needed.
Im in too. For transfrring the water. just place the containers below your window. In a truck preferably for transport. Then stick a hose out the window and fill em up. Its a long drop but a 100FT hose should work. just an idea. i have a 50 gal. rain water barrel i can bring along if needed.

Oh wow that might work perfectly. And make life a lot easier bc I have like 10 5g buckets haha

But how would we haul that around. Completely filled that'll be around 400lbs lol
If i remeber correctly you should have enough room to back up a truck near your APT. I would say place the bins on the back of a pick up. could try a hand cart but then walking it over to the new place up that hill would be killer lol. I have extra buckets too i can bring.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Good luck with the upgrade and move!

Depending on when the move is, I can help. I also have some totes and buckets if you need them.
Here's some pics of the tank

I'm actually having a new stand built for it as we speak, I want it up a little higher. That stand is only 2ft tall.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
It allows air into the drain pipe so that you have a constant flow and not a surge through the overflow. It serves the same purpose as the hole on the top of a durso.
Ohhh makes sense. I gotta order new bulkheads and elbows tho and its asking me if I want the tube size.to be 1/4" 3/8" or 1/2"... What should I go with?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
By my eye, it looks like a 1500 gph Glass-Holes overflow. Give me a minute and if I can get to the back of my tank, I'll measure the ones I have....I have that same overflow.


As I’m pulling out the tube to measure, I’m thinking, you have the black elbow with the hole in it……measure that hole to be sure.

The ones I have are 3/8” OD with ¼” ID.

So if you have the same, you need the 3/8” tubes.


I just went back to your pictures, and you have that tubing:

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