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Dan's 150 Rebuild

Man those tangs do get big. I would love to have them but there is no way I could deal with how big they get and the bio load on the tank. Maybe an indoor swimming pool would work.
I would go with the naso (since your stuck on it), the two wrasses' and the anthias. Skip the Achilles and the female blue throat. All she brings to the game is a more blue throat on the male.
Lol I'm going to be murdered. This is my stock List.

3 Atlantic Blue Tangs
1 Hippo Tang
1 Yellow Tang
2 Caribbean Tangs
2 Lamarcks Angels (Pair)
1 African Flameback Angel
2 Melanarus Wrasses (Pair)
1 Carpenter Flasher Wrasse
1 RedSea FoxFace
2 Chromis (Pair)

in Quarantine

1 RedFlame Fairy Wrasse
1 Flame Angel
1 Indus Wrasse
1 Lubbocks Fairy Wrasse
1 Yellow Coris Wrasse
3 Blue Head Wrasses (3 Different Morphs (Blue-Yellow) (Blue-Red) (Blue-Green) - These will be added Last

Looking For

3 Lyretail Anthias (2 Female 1 Male)
1 Potters Angel


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NJRC Member
here are my 27 fish:
Achilles 1
Hippo Tang (regal) 1
Blonde naso 1
Purple Tang 1
Red Scooter Blenny 1
Psychedelic Mandarin 1
Lyretails 3
Barlett 3
Sunburst 1
Flame 2
Blue Sided fairy Wrasse 1
Coral Beauty 1
Regal (red sea) 1
Green 2
Black Ice 2
Picasso 2
Fire Shrimp 1
Harlequin Shrimp 1
McCosker Flasher


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NJRC Member
I was just going to say that. U can push the limits with bio load. But u have to have strong filtration. I have an Sro 5000 rated for 400 gallons and starting to run pellets again to control nitrates
In a 120 I have a desjardini and a yellow belly hippo, I have always had a pair of tangs but one was always a hippo. The other either a naso or desjardini, and I have to say I have loved both those two. Hippo's are pansies.
2 clowns, orchid pseudochromis and his pal a starry blenny go figure, pair of orange stripe cardinal fish(which ironically were at AO for 9 months in his tank and the moment I put them in the 120 they hated each other.
I'm looking at the Skimz sm161 Monster. Rated for 133-300g for $350. That fits my budget a lil bit more. I was trying to get some reviews on it but there aren't many. Asonitez, are the pumps loud at all?

And if I act before tomorrow at midnight I can get 10% off with free shipping... Hmmmm
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