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Dan's 90G Reef


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Well I know I'm on Speed 4 for every interval so I'm definitely dosing 0.5-0.6ml each second.

Dan, you made a couple zeros disappear!!! At this new dosing level of 0.5 to 0.6 mls per second, that puts your 336 seconds at 168 to 202 mls per day. That now sounds a bunch high (unless you’re heavy SPS and or have clams.)
His tank is sps heavy but (correct me if im wrong dan) few sps are larger than a softball and the rest are small

My tabk is very sps heavy and i only dose roughly 35ml of calcium a day to keep it at 460. Granted my tank is a 40b with 30g sump but dans should only be about double right? Maybe around 80ml
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I would say like the previous poster. Water changes on a regular basis to correct the imbalance and then calculate the dosers to administer according to the BRS calculator on their website. Solve the imbalance with water changes first then dial in the dosers to keep up.
I'm about 2 seconds away from giving up all together. Just did my water change and my skimmer won't turn back on...
AGAIN! POS reef octopus, not even a year old


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i know i'm far but... I have a HOB remora skimmer that is rated upto 120 gallons.... if you need it in a pinch...
Anyone know where I can buy a pump for my reef octopus nwb150??? Parts department wants $66 but wouldn't reach me til after the holidays


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Have you tried taking the pump apart and giving it a good cleaning? If not I would try that before ordering a new one.


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Does the impeller seem damaged at all? Is it pumping water at all and no bubbles or just doing nothing?
Check with TB aquatics or champion for the pump. Both might be a hike to drive but they are close enough that shipping shouldn't take more then a day. In the meantime just throw a couple of extra WC's in till it's back and running.
Those motors are pretty bullet proof. I am surprised you are getting nothing out of it. What model is it? I have an nwb 110 that works great. I have never had a power head fail like that before (granted I have been out of the hobby for 20 years I easily have that much in the hobby as well.
If you want I have a skimmer I can loan you. Let me know and I will drive up and meet you. I have been to your place before :)
Check with TB aquatics or champion for the pump. Both might be a hike to drive but they are close enough that shipping shouldn't take more then a day. In the meantime just throw a couple of extra WC's in till it's back and running.

Checked both and neither of them have one. Thanks for the heads up tho john, appreciate it!