thetiler said:That was my tank we did
It is not to hard to put the notch in the glass we used a rotozip tile bit.
If you do it this way there will be no tube to loose siphon you will just have an external overflow.
If you go here into my Gallery on RC there are some more pictures
How big of a tank are you going to do?
The smaller the harder it is without cracking the glass
Where are you located?
steve68 said:Hey John
i would make the box 12w 10h by 3 deep, that should give u enough for a durso or stand pipe, as far as flow goes im sure by now u know how to get what u want right? but if not i would put 2 one inch drains with the slot across the tank being 1 to 1.5 wide.
let me know what else i can help u with ask away
thetiler said:surface skimming
mladencovic said:thetiler said:surface skimming
With a sufficiently strong flow a couple of holes would have done the samo job.
Phyl said:The surface disturbance is great for gas exchange and will allow the DOC (disolved organic compounds; the film that forms on an undisturbed surface) to get mixed in to your water column, but skimming that DOC off of the surface and spoon feeding it to your skimmer would be a much more efficient way to remove the DOC from your system.
With a couple of holes you're going to have sucking noises like mad. The whole teeth thing prevents that from happening, allowing you to set a durso standpipe in the overflow box without sacrificing tank volume for the durso height. The overflow box is an "industry standard" implementation. Seems to me that if it didn't work so well it wouldn't be so widely implemented, especially by custom tank manufacturers.