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epic fail!

So i finally finished the stand for my 55 gallon tank go to fill it up with water and its leaking up around black plastic trim on bottom. I must have messed it up moving it :( FAIL!!!!!
Sometimes leaks r pretty easy to fix. Just have to cut silicone out in area thats leaking along with an inch or 2 on each side , then reseal it. GE #1 clear silicone for window and doors works great. Or if u dont need much just get the aga stuff from petco


NJRC Member
On the other hand, 55g tanks are pretty cheap or easy to come by used. Maybe this is a good chance to start fresh with any ideas you had before? Maybe drilling for an overflow?
yea I may attempt at resealing my self. its the entire bottom piece that needs to be replaced. I'm going to a storage auction tomorrow that has 110gallon tank and stand hopefully I can pick it up cheap
i was expecting some video of someone doing something dumb - this isn't an epic fail - this is just plain unfortunate and I'm sorry to hear it. If it makes you feel any better I did the same thing once...moved a 55 gallon tank from the first floor down the basement and then suddenly noticed a leak. The good news though is that 55 gallons are not terribly expensive.


NJRC Member
I believe PetCo runs the sale twice a year and it just ran through the end of January. You'd probably need to wait 4-5 months and I think a 40b was the largest I saw but I was only in 3 stores and all in the last few days of the sale
Well today I started scraping the old silicon off and picked up a tube of the GE silicon 1 like suggested. I will post pics of my progress and resealing tomorrow when its all done.
well I spent almost two days scraping and prepping the tank. Used a ton of silicon on it hopefully all the seals hold up when I test fill tomorrow.


NJRC Member
I think the normal recommendation is to give it a few days to cure. Id give it a few days before I tested it.

Yeah, I recently used the aquarium silicone to seal a leaking sump and the directions said let dry for 48 hours. So, I'd wait another day before filling it.
OK so far so good! holding water for a couple hours:applause:.gonna start filling wit ro/di water. Anybody know of a store that sells the tubing for an ro unit. Dont feel like carying 5 gallon buckets across the house lol