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Etmanning's 90g Build


NJRC Member
Zoas Grow Out Winner
Hello everyone,
This tank has been set up for a little over 2 years now and the full build thread can be found here: ReefNoob's Huge 90 gallon build Thread - Reef Central Online Community But I'd also like to have a thread on here so without further ado, here's my 90g build:

  • 90G standard 4' tank found on craigslist for free
  • 65G standard tank also free (sump)
  • 2X 165W MarsAqua "black box" LEDs
  • Jeabo WP-25
  • coralife super skimmer 125 (looking to upgrade)
  • Jeabo DC-1200 return
  • BRS reactor (currently running GFO for hair algae UGH)
  • ~80 Lbs Rock (40Lbs dry, 30 Lbs from old tank, 10 Lbs from LFS (tropiquaruim R.I.P))
  • Starry [lawnmower] blenny
  • wyoming white clownfish
  • yellow coris wrasse
Planned livestock additions:
  • Yellow Tang
  • Anthias of some sort
  • White diamond goby
  • purple firefish


September 2015:
  • Tank first set up, seeded with rock from my previous 29g
October 2015:
  • Custom stand built
November 2015:
  • First fish added, clown/Kole Tang
December 2015:
  • Flame angel & Starry Blenny added
March 2016:
  • Left for extended Vacation, tank crash (ich outbreak)
  • lost all fish but starry blenny
  • lost all coral except mushrooms
January 2018:
  • After nearly 2 YEARS of being fallow, added Wyoming white clown & yellow coris wrasse
  • Added finger leather coral

Plans for the future:
  • Add more corals, planning on mostly softies (zoas, leathers, Polyps) cause they're actually my favorites with some LPS & SPS near the top
  • Add stability to system by adding fuge, ATO, better skimmer, an endless list of modifications and DIY builds I want to do
  • Quarantine tank, really dont want ich again but I kinda need to actually get a tank

I'm very excited to finally Join NJRC & to work on my system to achieve my vision for the tank in the future
Pics in next post (easier to post off my phone)


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
It looks good, personally I'd leave it like that...I just would just add a check valve or something to the return n overflow line to break the syphon (in case of a power outtage)

But overall I like your design, it looks like its part of that wall


NJRC Member
Zoas Grow Out Winner

I had some free time this weekend so was able to drive up to north jersey and meet a few members on here, and was able to pick up some goodies:

Tunze 3155 ATO from Jay


This thing has so many wires and is such a mess! Going to have to manage all those wires better when I get a chance.

Jeabo RW-8 from Juano (whose tank is gorgeous BTW)


More flow= SPS in the future, also helped eliminate some dead spots, which was evident by the amount of surf that came out of the rocks after turning it on.

I also picked up a lab grade PH probe that I will be using to limit my Kalk dosing with my ATO when I start doing that.

Oh, and I picked this guy up from Giovanni in Elizabeth


I’ll hopefully get to work in all those wires both in the sump and behind the display soon.

Next to do:

Upgraded skimmer
Add refugium to sump

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Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member

I had some free time this weekend so was able to drive up to north jersey and meet a few members on here, and was able to pick up some goodies:

Tunze 3155 ATO from Jay


This thing has so many wires and is such a mess! Going to have to manage all those wires better when I get a chance.

Jeabo RW-8 from Juano (whose tank is gorgeous BTW)


More flow= SPS in the future, also helped eliminate some dead spots, which was evident by the amount of surf that came out of the rocks after turning it on.

I also picked up a lab grade PH probe that I will be using to limit my Kalk dosing with my ATO when I start doing that.

Oh, and I picked this guy up from Giovanni in Elizabeth


I’ll hopefully get to work in all those wires both in the sump and behind the display soon.

Next to do:

Upgraded skimmer
Add refugium to sump

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Nice haul bud

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
The one I got from you died, got two with a dual controller from eBay and one died, Eric got the last one.
I got the Jebao CP-40 and so far so good, running a MP10 on the opposite side of the CP-40.

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wow that sucks man. My RW4s are running solid. In fact once I get over some minor code issues my next step is to look at adding them to my pi controller.
wow that sucks man. My RW4s are running solid. In fact once I get over some minor code issues my next step is to look at adding them to my pi controller.

Same happened to me with a WP25, that thing was tough as hell, ended up giving it away when I got the RW8 from you and it’s still running on my friend’s tank.

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NJRC Member
Zoas Grow Out Winner
The other wave maker I have in this tank is a wp-25 that I’ve had for >2 years with no problems. I had another die on me but I was probably aided by the fact that I cut part of the controller off with a hole saw.....


Glad to see that the ATO is working, it’s used more than a gallon in the 24 hours it’s been set up. Really makes me wonder how unstable the tank must have been prior to this when I’d just dump in 10 gallons once every few weeks.


Also happy with how the skimmer’s been doing even though it’s only rated for a 65g. This is 3 days of skimmate [emoji4]

I’ll be upgrading to a new skimmer some time this month as either a birthday gift or I’ll get one myself.

Everything in the tank is doing great, all the fish are active, colorful, and are eating well. The corals are going very well too, the leather is so bushy with polyp extension.

I’m looking to get some more frags in the tank soon and am actively looking for all sorts or corals, especially softies and some easier to keep SPS. If anyone has frags they’re looking to sell or get rid of, let me know. I’ll be happy to take a look at most anything right now.

This is the view from my living room couch btw. Love it.


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