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How's everyone making out (roll call)

Mike if you were breaking it down I would keep the rock and get rid of the sand. Keep the rock in trash cans with heater and powerheads and it will be alright.


NJRC Member
Article Contributor
Good to hear Sunny. How did everything work out for you

Your fuel can was such a blessing, John. Gas is still hard to find. However, I think with the power bring restored the situation will improve.
Thanks for the help again.



I am in island park LI helping my sister recover from utter devastation. Every home was flooded here and all belongings are at the curb, it's just terrible. My neighbor just called saying power is back and Sunny's post confirms it. My tank came thru this fine and after seeing what I saw today has really made me not worry about losing electric or some corals.

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Anyone without power and wants to come over I have all my power back on. Can take a hot shower, charge phone/laptop etc, and watch television. Also have some food too. I have low cell service, but contact me here. I am in 07006, West Caldwell


NJRC Member
I am in island park LI helping my sister recover from utter devastation. Every home was flooded here and all belongings are at the curb, it's just terrible. My neighbor just called saying power is back and Sunny's post confirms it. My tank came thru this fine and after seeing what I saw today has really made me not worry about losing electric or some corals.

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That sucks Darren. Let me know if you need help.
I am in island park LI helping my sister recover from utter devastation. Every home was flooded here and all belongings are at the curb, it's just terrible. My neighbor just called saying power is back and Sunny's post confirms it. My tank came thru this fine and after seeing what I saw today has really made me not worry about losing electric or some corals.

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That's my feeling as well. As much as I love my tank and it kills me to see it this way, you have to check priorities. Folks lost their homes, and some there lives. If loosing some fish is the worst that happened to me, I'm grateful.
Still no power on my street in Rockaway. Monday night until Saturday so far. Glad I changed the oil on the generator. Getting some cabin fever at this point.
Still no power here. Been running generator since Monday as well. Not sure when we will have power...my wife seems to think Monday. Had a fatality in the pond. Nice size koi was speared by that (PIA)heron. Fish was too big but the beak skewered the poor fella. Since going 50/50 with the generator my water aerator is not on all the time. Too big a fish results in surface breathing...easy target. Oh well, part of life I guess. Cabin feverish a yes in my mind.
I have a couple of questions about cooking the LR. When I remove the rock from the display tanks, what do I do with water that's in the display tank? Do I run the recirculation pump and the skimmer and keep that water moving? Also some of my LR has mojamos. Will cooking the rock kill the mojamo?


Staff member
NJRC Member
Finally able to post. I lost all fish and coral. I am trying to save about 4 pieces of coral in Reeflections tank. I had 4 maybe 5 inches water on the entire first floor. Had to pull all the rugs and padding. Then yesterday Building inspector and FEMA said house is not livable because of mold and mildew. I am staying at friends house for now and all turtles, cats and dog have been farmed out.
I have to say I consider my self lucky considering what friends of mine are going through. One had their house just wash away. I will keep everyone posted as I do plan to finish my upgrade after the house is repaired.
Good luck to all of you rebuilding houses and tanks. Hang in there.
I have a couple of questions about cooking the LR. When I remove the rock from the display tanks, what do I do with water that's in the display tank? Do I run the recirculation pump and the skimmer and keep that water moving? Also some of my LR has mojamos. Will cooking the rock kill the mojamo?

If you are looking to get rid of the pests, I would kill the rock before cooking it.
"cooking" rock, to most of us, means removing it from our tanks (or bringing it home from a store), putting it in a large, dark container with a power head, salt water (and potentially a heater), and letting the power head circulate the water around the rock for at least a month. The idea is to get rid of (1) dead animals attached to the rock that could cause an ammonia spike I the tank and (2) allow the nitrogen cycle to take place in the bucket rather than your tank, leaving behind all of the nasty stuf in the bucket when you move your rock into the tank.
That said, to the best of my knowledge, cooking rock will not kill mojanos.
Also, if you have mojano in your tank, I would probably drain the water, let the tank go dry, and start again to be sure you got them all. I once grew a lovely colony of apstatia in my skimmer, and another one in an overflow.
Cable is back! Now we can all ignore each other again :). Just kidding. Its hard to read or post on an iPhone. I'm getting old. Saw curt today. He is fine. :)
Sorry for your loss. I would ditch the sand and cook the rock.

I have a couple of questions about cooking the LR. When I remove the rock from the display tanks, what do I do with water that's in the display tank? Do I run the recirculation pump and the skimmer and keep that water moving? Also some of my LR has mojamos. Will cooking the rock kill the mojamo?

I cooked my rock....ill try and find the thread but basically I put other all in a water/bleach mixture for a couple days then a water/vinegar bath for a couple days then clean water for a couple days....kills everything!!
Going on day seven with no power. Generator is still going 50/50. Words can not express my love for the mechanical beauty. Propane is getting low so I hope there is a delivery today. Tanks are ok as are the fish, let's hope today brings back the power.