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"If you want to upgrade your tank I want you to upgrade my front porch!"


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Wow Matt, wish I had been following along on this build. I've been avoiding ToTT threads just due to time constraints but figured I'd check this out to see how you're making out. Man, everything looks great!

I have a couple questions:

1. How do you plan to hang the front door of the stand? You mentioned "Z" clips I think. What do you mean? Are you talking about those picture hanger things? I was originally going to use those too but then thought they might stick out like a 1/4" or so from the base... leaving an opening along the top and sides of the doors (unless you found a good way to recess them.)

2. Got any pics of how you plan to hang the Radions? I'm wondering how you will hang them and still be able to open the canopy like that.

3. The RedGard looks good! Did you use the plastic trowel thing I gave you or did you roll it on?

Love the stain color you chose by the way. I think I might go with that one for mine too.
Wow Matt, wish I had been following along on this build. I've been avoiding ToTT threads just due to time constraints but figured I'd check this out to see how you're making out. Man, everything looks great!

I have a couple questions:

1. How do you plan to hang the front door of the stand? You mentioned "Z" clips I think. What do you mean? Are you talking about those picture hanger things? I was originally going to use those too but then thought they might stick out like a 1/4" or so from the base... leaving an opening along the top and sides of the doors (unless you found a good way to recess them.)

2. Got any pics of how you plan to hang the Radions? I'm wondering how you will hang them and still be able to open the canopy like that.

3. The RedGard looks good! Did you use the plastic trowel thing I gave you or did you roll it on?

Love the stain color you chose by the way. I think I might go with that one for mine too.

Thanks George!!!

1. you I plan to use 2 of those picture hanging brackets. that's what I used on my current hood and I like them.

2. I will take some pictures on the light bar bracket I made.

3. I used the trowel. I dumped some in the center and spread it around like frosting.

I have more than enough stain in that golden pecan that I will ever use. it is all yours!
And this is how you get a tank moved!


NJRC Member
Like popeye's spinach. You going for some sort of protein induced productive rage?
I would've come even without bribing me with sushi. Of course it wouldn't have hurt
Like popeye's spinach. You going for some sort of protein induced productive rage?
I would've come even without bribing me with sushi. Of course it wouldn't have hurt

Dave if i didn't completely destroy my house today and make it look like something out of that tv show hoarders i would of asked.
So I drained the 90 and the sump into 3 40g brute cans and slid it across the room
Once i got it into the spot i made sure it was level with a 3' level and started to fill it back up with the water i took out
Then we slid the new tank into the spot
Put the bulkheads in there is a 1.5' drain and 2 one inch supply lines.
Next was one of the things i was most worried about. i have spent all these weeks making the canopy and cabinet door. i was soo paranoid that the wouldn't fit...
They fit! i have a little minor adjustments to make on the hood. i want to get those little rubber feet to keep it from sitting directly on the glass. i also may change the vent/ feeding door on the front to a door and get rid of the vent
It sits a little high for me i think. i didn't know that when they built the stand that they were going to put a sheet of 3/4" plywood and then a 1/2" sheet of homosote
Im done for the night. i ate too much sushi!

Tomorrow is etch the last of the rock in acid and then start to skin the stand. i only have to make the left panel look nice. the right will be covered by a small cabinet and shelf.


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
Wow that's a good amount of work for one day. Everything seems to be coming along very nicely. Good luck with the rest!
Thanks for all the kind words.

I have a question. When I picked up the tank I asked the builders if it was going to leak and if I should leak test it. They laughed at me. Should I scrub the inside with vinegar or something?
Busy day skinning this stand.
[/URL][/IMG]This is the back. the hole in the middle is where the electrical outlet is.
For the most part everything is done. it is all cut i am just painting and sparing everything. I hate waiting for this stuff to dry!!!!

Once I have the back panel on i will be able to scape this sucker! I figure tomorrow afternoon we will be able to add some rock.
I pushed the tank back and hit the front with some Redgard. i don't know about anybody else but i spill gallons of water down the glass constantly. i know that Homosote doesn't do well when wet.

You won't be able to see it when i am done with the molding

we renovated 2 elevators at my job and i had them save me all the old egg crate:smug:

I have tons left if anybody is interested.