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"If you want to upgrade your tank I want you to upgrade my front porch!"


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
My wife is starting to complain about the smells coming from the basement.

"Starting to complain...." If she is just starting, consider yourself lucky. My wife started as soon as I said "I do," and it hasn't stopped for 34 years. :grin:

Hey, talking about messes, is the porch done? Now I'm starting to sound like your wife! :eek:
Not even close. And when I was crawling around under the crawl space under the kitchen I noticed a floor joist completely rotted away.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Uh oh! That doesn't sound good. You don't have time for that right now though... you got a tank to setup! ;)

The skin is starting to look good. Can't wait to see it all finished up and put together. Oh, and I may take you up on the stain offer. It will give me an excuse to come see this thing in person. Might not be for a week or two though, not sure when wrestling will be done (we're done districts, heading to regions this week, and on to states after that if we're lucky.)
Looking good man. Can't wait to see when its all done. Question tho. Is the point of the egg crate under the rocks just to make sure they don't fall any further or is there something I'm missing?

And how's the BRS 150 upgrade? Big difference from 75g/day membrane? Been debating on buying it for awhile actually
Looking good man. Can't wait to see when its all done. Question tho. Is the point of the egg crate under the rocks just to make sure they don't fall any further or is there something I'm missing?

And how's the BRS 150 upgrade? Big difference from 75g/day membrane? Been debating on buying it for awhile actually

The egg crate helps with falls. give is a buffer, and it also fives the rock a better footing rather than being on smooth slippery glass.

the brs upgrade is awesome! 2x as much water. so if it a 4:1 ratio with the regular it is now 2:1

it pays for itself in no time. the only catch is you have to make sure you have 65lbs of pressure going to it. if you don't you need to buy a booster pump to go along with it.
Gotcha! I believe I do have good pressure. Guess I'll be buying that for sure now I'll have a 150g tank lol

Don't believe. Make sure. If you think you do and you don't then it will just cause you to waste 2x as much money because it will still waste plus waste even more di resin.
9" full and 16" to go. Now according toy math it should be full around 8am. The question is do I trust my math or do I play it safe and shut it off for the night...........
I put 2 little power heads and a 200w heater in the tanks last night to start moving water and start the cycle I keep adding salt every now and then also. It is starting to get that smell (one more thing my wife will have to talk to me about)

I personally like that smell. it reminds me of the bay. My family has always been LBI people for as log as I can remember. My favorite part is coming up to the Causeway and getting that first breath of the bay. That's when you know you are at the beach!
I stated playing with the cabinet under the sump. I put this wood here to get a snugger fit to the walls.
Before I put this sump in I remember seeing something somewhere about putting some sort of passing under it to help cushion it and make it quieter

Know what i am talking about?